Page 42 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Evangeline.” I say her name like a prayer of devotion as I come down from my high. She’s still riding me, so I push her forward, lifting her to turn her around. “Get on your hands and knees,” I order.

She obeys, facing the opposite end of the room as I kneel, bending down to lick into her cunt, flicking my tongue over her clit. My fingers find their way into her entrance, stuffing two inside at once.

She’s shaking as I finger her, continuing my assault with my tongue and lips. Narrowing my focus to the tiny bud, I suck hard, and she bucks against me, crying out as she falls over the edge a second time.

“Oh, God, fuck, Oliver,” she whines. “Oh, God.”

I know that Eva can take it, and I’m not done with her yet. My cock has started to fill out once again, so this time, I line myself up behind her and push inside, then lean back against the pillows so Eva is on my lap once more, facing away from me.

“I want you to bounce yourself on my lap,” I tell her. “Come on, you can do it.”

She starts moving, hips bucking wildly as she bounces up and down. I reach forward and grab handfuls of her tits, squeezing and caressing them as I whisper filthy things into her ear.

“I’m going to mark you up with my cum,” I whisper. “I’m going to paint you with it. Daddy is going to fuck you so good, baby doll. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t come anymore.”

With a loud shout, Eva comes a third time, and I grip her hips under my hands tightly, brutally fucking into her for a few seconds before shoving her down hard on my cock, coming once again.

This time, we’re both spent, so when Eva gets up to get something to clean us up, I feel the exhaustion creep in. When she comes back, I feel myself starting to drift off.

“Stay,” she whispers, tucking herself in front of me once she’s done cleaning up.

“Okay,” I whisper back, leaning forward to plant a kiss on her neck.

As I drift off, I wonder if I’m starting to feel something more for Eva. Am I falling in love with her?



As I stand at the window on the landing above the grand foyer, my gaze fixed on the sprawling estate stretched out before me, the morning sun casts a golden glow over the manicured lawn, bathing everything in a warm, ethereal light.

Despite the idyllic scene outside, a sense of unease gnaws at me from within. The last few weeks had been amazing. Being on better terms with the Everharts has been all I ever wanted.

But beneath the camaraderie, the secrets I’ve been carrying around weigh heavily on my soul. Every time I look at them, I fear the accusations in their eyes when they find out that I’ve been keeping the truth about the baby’s paternity from them.

On top of that, despite promising Daniel that I would share the files with his friends, I’d been holding onto them in secret for months now.

As I grapple with the emotions swirling inside me, a sudden commotion from the front entrance draws my attention.

Looking down, my eyes widen in surprise as a regal-looking red-headed woman sweeps into the foyer with an air of authority. Her pale, angular face tips upward, spotting me standing near the staircase. Her hair is immaculately curled into beachy waves, lips painted red. Pale skin stands in stark contrast to the vivid green dress she wears, with gold beading around the neck and waistband.

She looks impeccable, like a retired fashion model who now runs the whole industry. I’m so taken aback that I don’t even realize at first as she gestures to me, beckoning me down.

“Ma’am,” I say, scrambling down the stairs and carefully clutching the railing under my hand. “I apologize. May I help you?”

Her piercing gaze settles over me, taking me in from head to toe. I feel a shiver run down my spine, a sense of foreboding settling over me.

“Fetch Fitz,” she orders. “I’ll be waiting in the lounge. I’m staying here until I get my place aired out.”

Confused, I nod and turn, all but running off to fetch my boss. Fitz follows me, and a smile breaks out on his face as he spots the woman.

“Miss Everhart,” he says, giving her a small bow.

“Fitz, good to see you. I hope my nephews aren’t responsible for this one,” she says, jutting her chin out toward me. I shrink back, cheeks blooming in embarrassment.

“No.” Fitz shakes his head. “She came to us this way.”

“So you’re taking in strays now?” she asks, tossing her hair.
