Page 34 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Oliver?” Evangeline asks, playing with her fingers. “I was hoping to ask you for a favor.”

“What can I do for you?” I ask, leaning back in my chair.

“I was wondering if you would mind coming with me to my prenatal appointment today. I don’t… exactly have any support, and well… you were the first person I thought of to come.”

My heart skips a beat at her request, emotions flooding my senses. I meet her gaze, searching for any hint that she might be teasing or messing with me, but find only sincerity in her eyes.

“Of course,” I tell her, betraying none of the inner turmoil I’m experiencing. “I’d be honored. What time is it set for?”

“It’s in an hour,” she says, a warm smile on her face. “We could stop and get you some coffee on the way,” she adds as an offer.

“Bribery?” I ask, a chuckle escaping me. “You’re becoming corrupted working here at the manor.”

Eva blushes prettily, and I grin. “I’ve got to sign these paychecks, and then I’ll come right down,” I promise. She nods and heads back out, her belly more obvious in profile now.

The fact that she doesn’t completely hate us after everything we did to her is astounding to me. Relief seeps through me, surprising me. I guess I never expected her to want us in her life, especially after everything that had happened.

Even though we’ve spent time with her, and pursued a few sexual encounters, the thought of Eva seeking us out still takes me aback.

I finish signing the paychecks and drop them on the tray outside my office for Fitz to handle before joining Evangeline downstairs just as she’s putting on her coat.

“I’ll drive,” I offer, taking my coat from Evangeline’s arm. She follows me out, and we head to the car, heading to see Evangeline’s doctor, who has a practice close to the manor.

We head inside, the place looking a lot more relaxing than most doctors’ offices. The waiting room has plush couches, comfy armchairs, and low, soothing music playing overhead. The entire place has a cozy atmosphere.

The receptionist gets Eva checked in, and we sit on one of the couches together, waiting to be called back.

“So, uh… what was the check-up for today?” I ask, curious what prenatal appointments are for.

“Well, they’re going to do an ultrasound and check the baby’s size, make sure the baby’s heartbeat is good, and check for movement,” Eva explains. “I looked it up so I know what happens.”

“Sounds like you’re prepared,” I tell her, folding my leg over my knee. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Me neither,” Eva said, a giggle escaping her. I realize how silly I must have sounded and chuckle as well.

“I guess we’ll learn together,” I offer. She rests a hand on her belly and smiles at me.

“Evangeline Parker?” a nurse calls out, poking her head out the door of the exam area.

Eva stands up, and I follow behind, a strange nervousness inside. What am I doing here? I don’t belong at this appointment. I’m not the baby’s father, nor am I even in any kind of relationship with its mother.

All I am is her employer and occasional fuck-buddy. But… some part of me wants more. Even when I was tormenting her, it came from a dark, possessive place. I want to own her, to possess this rare beauty.

The nurse hands Eva a paper gown, and I shake myself out of my thoughts, realizing I need to step out in the hall.

“I’ll come back in when you’re done,” I tell her. She nods and stands up to start disrobing. Slipping into the hall, I lean against the wall and scrub a hand over my face, wondering once again what the hell I’m doing here. Why did I even agree to come?

Eva pokes her head out the door, and I follow her back into the room, looking away as she situates herself on the exam table, then going to stand by her head.

She drapes the blanket over her lap, and we wait for the doctor to come inside. I’m suddenly struck by how odd this whole thing is. This is a very intimate moment for Eva, one that requires a lot of trust and care from the person experiencing it with her… and I’m the one she chose.

Part of me wants to turn and run, to escape the room and drive until I’m far away from this place. Being involved in Eva’s pregnancy was not in my plans. I didn’t even want to be involved at all.

So again, I wonder why I’m here. Then I look down at her and see her face, the vulnerability in her eyes, the way she bites her lip as she stares at the ultrasound monitor next to us, a look of longing there.

And suddenly, I decide that I can handle being here. I want to be here for Eva, for whatever reason. Maybe it’s the way she looks so tiny and all alone, or maybe it’s the growing desire I have to keep her by my side.

The tech comes in and gets set up to start looking at the baby. I look away politely so Eva can pull up her gown to be examined and try not to think about what’s happening right next to me.
