Page 33 of Shadowvale Secrets

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A strange sort of protectiveness settles over me the more I think about it. I have to help them here. They deserve to know the truth. Maybe they can finally get some closure on their father’s death.

Daniel nods and hands me the files, then answers his phone. “Stone,” he says quickly, walking toward the door. I follow him, shutting it behind him, and lean against it, files in my arms.

With a heavy sigh, I look down. Have I really just gotten myself deeply involved in this whole thing? It still seems to be hitting me just what I’ve gotten myself into. I’m potentially making a dangerous man angry with me, and making the Everharts into my enemies again if they don’t believe me.

Worried that someone will see the files and look at the contents, I hurry up to my room with them and stuff them into the suitcase at the back of my closet. No one will look there, so I’m safe for now.

I just have to work up the courage to tell the three of them about this information. At that moment, I spot Ryder’s car pulling up the drive.

Okay. I can do this. I can do it. I just have to tell a man who has barely tolerated me until a few days ago that his surrogate uncle probably killed his father. Easy, right?

Releasing a shaky sigh, I exit my bedroom, heading for the top of the staircase. Ryder comes in just as I start descending the steps.

“Eva,” he says, giving me a wink and a half-grin that melts me on the inside.

“Hello, Ryder,” I say, trying to steady my racing heart. “You had a visitor. Daniel Stone?”

“Oh, yeah, Danny,” Ryder says, grinning wider. “What did Danny want?”

“Mr. Stone… needed to talk to you about something,” I tell him, trying to get out the words.

“What about?” Ryder asks as he takes off his leather jacket. I take it from him and hang it up in the hall closet.

“He…” I stop, a sudden thought occurring to me. What if I tell him and he doesn’t believe me? What if he gets so angry that he has me thrown out? My mouth closes, fear overtaking me.

“Eva?” Ryder asks, tilting his head in concern.

“He didn’t say,” I lie, a strained smile on my face. “He couldn’t stay, so he’ll relay the information later,” I add.

Dammit. Why can’t I get the words out? Whenever I try, my tongue seems to stick to the roof of my mouth like my brain won’t let me get it out.

Ryder leans forward, concern etched in his features. “That’s strange. Why would he come all the way here to deliver a message and leave without saying anything?”

“I think he was busy,” I tell him. “When I asked if I could give it to you, he said it… it had to be him and he had to do it in person.”

Frick. Daniel is going to be so annoyed that I backed out of the promise I made to him. “Okay.” Ryder nods, though concern is still present in his eyes.

“Right. Anyway, I should get back to work,” I say, taking an awkward step back. “I need to clean the… pool house.”

“Of course,” Ryder says with a nod. “Don’t let me keep you.”

I turn and all but sprint away, pissed at myself for not being able to just tell him like I said I was going to.

As I make my way out to actually clean like I said I was going to, I can’t help but wonder what is going to happen now. Someone has to be the one to tell the Everharts about their uncle.

And it looks like it’s not going to be me.



As I sit at my desk in my study, pen poised over the stack of paychecks to go out today, I try to focus on the task at hand but my mind is elsewhere, preoccupied with thoughts of Evangeline and the recent outing we shared.

Tapping the pen on my desk, it feels as though the beat matches the rhythmic cadence of my heart. I’ve always prided myself on my detachment, my ability to handle situations in our world with a cool, dispassionate approach. But Evangeline seems to unravel that carefully constructed façade, getting under my skin like an itch I can’t scratch.

And more and more lately, it seems I don’t want to scratch it.

Lost in my thoughts, I’m jolted back to reality by the sound of a soft knock at my door. I straighten in my chair, turning my attention to it as Evangeline steps into the room, the scent of her perfume wafting through the air.
