Page 30 of Shadowvale Secrets

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I watch, eyes heavy with desire as she clamps down around him, then kneel, wanting to put my mouth on that delectable pussy once more.

My mouth suctions against her immediately, tasting the sweet, salty musk of her arousal on my tongue. She’s dripping wet for us, and Theo starts to move her on his lap, pumping into her with slow, steady strokes.

I lick a stripe across her clit, cleaning up the mess Theo left behind as she begins to moan, her hands tangling themselves in my hair.

Gripping her thighs with my hands, I flick my tongue over her clit, teasing it with light, feathery strokes and slow, gentle circles.

“Ryder!” Eva whines, a whimper leaving her as I take the bud between my teeth and graze it lightly.

I chuckle, knowing it must be driving her crazy to have me tease her like this. But I plan on going slow, really making her beg for it. She’s made it clear that she enjoys being pushed to her limits, and I intend to keep doing just that.

My tongue continues in slow strokes, matching the sensuous pace that Theo is setting with each thrust of his hips. We want Eva to fall apart between us piece by piece.

Her cries get louder as my tongue makes tighter and tighter circles, flicking rapidly against her throbbing bud as Theo continues his slow, relentless thrusts.

Evangeline lets out a series of unintelligible noises as her fingers grip tighter in my hair, body shaking as she begins to slide over the edge, orgasm coaxed out of her with our ministrations.

My cock is leaking into my underwear now, sitting hard and heavy as it presses against the seam of my pants. I pull away and free it, needing to relieve the pressure.

“Fuck,” Eva breathes out, panting as she comes down from her high.

“Take her bra off,” I tell Theo, who immediately gets one hand behind her back and swiftly unhooks the clasps. I start stroking my cock quickly, copious amounts of precum leaking from the tip and giving me the lubrication I need.

Aiming my cock at her chest, I stroke faster, wanting to paint her in my seed. My dick pulses in my hand, hard as a rock as I stare at her soft, bouncy tits. She’s hot as hell in an elevated-girl-next-door kind of way. Her soft smile showcases dimpled cheeks, and her blonde hair looks so soft and silky, I want to wrap it around my cock, just to feel it drag over the skin.

“Fuck, you’re so damn sexy,” I breathe out, hand flying over my aching dick as I get closer and closer to release. Theo is still inside her, still rocking his hips up and down as he holds off on his own orgasm.

“You make me feel so good,” Eva breathes out. “I can’t get enough. Whenever you’re near me, I feel so hot, so flush. Please come on my chest, sir,” she pleads. A deep groan reverberates through my chest, her words shooting straight through me.

“Whatever you desire, dollface,” I husk out, cock shooting out hot, thick ropes of cum all over her chest. She reaches down and scoops some up, licking it off her fingers with kitten licks, moaning softly. Behind her, Theo’s movements get faster, picking up speed as he starts to angle his hips forward in a way that has his cock hitting the spot inside Eva’s cunt with every thrust.

She clenches down around him now, whining high in her throat. “Can’t,” she says, voice strained. “Can’t do it. Too sensitive!” She squirms on his lap, and I move my hand, rubbing my seed into her skin.

“Yes you can,” Theo says, voice deep as he leans in and speaks into her ear. “You can come for us again, can’t you, baby girl?”

“Yes,” she cries out. “Want to please you, Daddy!”

“Come for us, then,” I order, watching her body thrash as she comes a third time, all over Theo’s lap. He pushes hard into her before letting out a yell, his seed shooting deep into her womb.

“Fuck,” Theo breathes out, relaxing and falling back against the couch. “I need a breather, but we’re going to carry you upstairs and keep the party going,” he announces.

I tuck myself back into my pants and grab my jacket, throwing it over Eva before picking her up to carry her out of the library, hoping we don’t run into any of the other servants on our way.

Theo follows after taking a few seconds to make himself look less debauched. We head into my room, and I deposit Eva down on my bed, enjoying the way she lays herself bare for us.

“I’m gonna clean up,” Theo says, disappearing into my ensuite. I strip my clothes off and climb into bed behind Eva, wrapping my arms around her.

“What do you want to try?” I ask, whispering it into her ear. She turns to face me, hands stroking across my chest.

“I want you both to take me at the same time,” she says, a blush on her cheeks as she says it. I grin, biting my lip as I nod.

“We can do that for you,” I tell her, running my hands over her shoulders and down her back to pull her close. Theo emerges from the bathroom a few seconds later, tossing a wet cloth toward us. I catch it in mid-air behind Eva’s back and start wiping her down.

“Eva wants to have us both inside her together,” I explain as I clean up the sweat and cum on her chest.

“Do you want one of us to take you from behind?” Theo asks.

“I want you both inside here at the same time,” Eva explains, pointing to her pussy. The two of us exchange glances, a silent understanding passing between us.
