Page 31 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“That sounds like fun,” Theo agrees, crawling onto the bed to pull Eva into his chest from behind. “We can definitely show you what it feels like to have two brothers take you at once, baby girl.”

Eva’s eyes grow large, and she bites down on her lip hard, letting her legs fall open.

“You’ll need to get on your hands and knees for us,” I tell her. “You’ll straddle me, and then Theo will come in from behind.”

Eva moves quickly to obey, shifting to the side so I can lie on the bed beneath her. I’m already half-hard again just from her talking about what she wants.

She reaches out, stroking my length to full mast, and I move my fingers up, thrusting two inside so I can start the process of prepping her entrance to take both our cocks at once.

She was already nice and loose from Theo, so it doesn’t take long before she’s practically open enough to take my full fist. I bite back a moan at the idea, filing it away for later.

“I’m ready,” she breathes out, practically fucking herself on my hand. I draw it away, and she lets out a long, low whimper.

Theo and I both chuckle at that, but I move Eva so she’s lined up with my cock and press into her slowly. Her wet pussy practically swallows me whole with how open she is now.

Theo is already behind her, and he starts moving, slipping himself in next to me. She’s full, almost stretched to her limit with both of us. He takes it slow, but I can tell that I’m not going to last at this point.

Inch by inch, Theo sinks into her waiting pussy until he’s fully sheathed. My hands come up, and I grasp Eva’s, letting her dictate the pace as she begins to move back and forth tentatively, experimenting with what feels good.

It isn’t long before she’s crying out, arching her back as Theo’s hand finds its way to her clit, stroking it as the two of us settle into a rhythm, in and out and in and out, over and over.

Just as I predicted, I don’t have the ability to last like this and I find myself coming inside her within a few long seconds.

Theo is right behind me, giving a shout as he comes, then slips out of her immediately and falls back on his heels.

“Shit,” I say, panting and breathless. I reach up to play with Eva’s clit again, trying to help bring her there, but she gently pushes my hand away.

“I can’t,” she complains. “Too much.”

I smirk and pull her down, laying her between the two of us so we can come down from the collective high we just experienced.

I don’t think I’ve ever had such amazing sex with anyone before, and certainly not what… three times in a row? Eva is unlike any other girl I’ve ever met.

After all the time we’ve spent together, I have to admit that there’s more between us than just sex. I’m starting to crave seeing her every day, longing to be around her.

What is this? Am I feeling something more for her than just simple lust? The thought intrigues and unsettles me at the same time. I’m a dangerous man. I can’t let Evangeline get close to me, or to the three of us, because her life would be in danger if our enemies knew about her.

I shake myself out of such somber thoughts and try to enjoy the feeling of her lying in my arms instead. For now, I can just enjoy being with her.



Everything changes after that day with Theo and Ryder. I go back to working at the manor, resuming my usual duties. A few of the staff are still standoffish and cold toward me, but the others give me less grief.

And while the Everharts never start treating me like a princess, they cool down on the crueler orders. I’m still nearly run off my feet by the end of the day, but I feel as though I’m slowly gaining their respect.

The weight of my decision to keep the baby’s paternity a secret hangs over my head, though, plaguing me with nightmares of the brothers discovering the truth and forcing me to give my child over to them.

But we’ve only just reached tentative peace. They haven’t come to my room since that day, either, so it’s not like we’re in any sort of relationship, other than the one where I’m their maid and they’re my employers.

I know that they’re busy men, so I don’t expect them to go out of their way for me. Still, I wish I could see any of them again soon. Being around them is addicting, a craving that gets worse with every exposure.

The doorbell chimes, and since I’m the one closest to the front door, I call out, letting the others know I’m answering it.

Smoothing a hand over my black uniform dress, I make sure my hair looks tidy in its bun in the mirror next to the door. Fitz impressed upon us the importance of maintaining a neat appearance should we be required to greet guests.

I open the door, prepared to address the guest, but I’m surprised when I see Daniel Stone standing there, wrinkled tie hanging from his neck as though he just shoved it back on in the car.
