Page 29 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“No touching,” I tell her, a dark look in my eyes. “Do you want me to stop?”

She nods, completely mute, and relaxes as I continue to touch her. Lifting her shirt up over her belly, I help her sit up and slip it off. She’s in a lacy bra now, pale pink with flowers.

“You look beautiful in this,” I murmur, tracing over the top of each cup. “Pink lace suits you.”

She blushes, and I lean down, lifting one breast from the cup and affixing my mouth over it to suckle on the pert nipple.

A moan escapes her and she bucks under me. I sit back up, a wicked grin on my face. “You like that, dollface?” I ask. She nods, another whimper escaping her.

“Good girl,” I praise. Evangeline flushes, and her eyes water at the words. Hmm. Does she like praise? I can work with that.

“Be my good girl and help me get your pants off,” I tell her. She sits up, and I pull her leggings down around her ankles before she kicks them away, her panties damp with arousal. I can smell the scent of her, and I lean up, nosing against the soft, cotton fabric.

“You smell delicious,” I murmur, pulling them away with my teeth. Eva trembles as I tug them down her pale legs and then discard them, moving back up to part her legs and press my tongue between her folds.

“Fuck,” I whisper as I get a taste. “You taste like heaven.”

My words have a direct effect on her, slick dripping down her thighs as I begin to eat her out with vigor. Evangeline’s cries reach a fevered pitch as my tongue works its way into her, flicking in and out as I slowly fuck her entrance.

“Fuck,” she whispers, her hands still above her head. She’s shaking with the effort of keeping herself from grabbing onto my hair and pressing my face deeper into her.

Just as her body starts to clench around me, the door makes a creak, signaling that someone has entered the room.

We both look up to find Ryder standing there, mouth agape, desire burning in his eyes.

“Come join us,” I tell him, turning my attention back to Evangeline’s body. My hands move up to cup her breasts through the fabric of her bra as my tongue resumes its relentless thrusting inside her.

Ryder comes over and strokes her hair, moving his fingers down to her mouth, encouraging her to open up for him. He slides them inside, letting her suck on them as I feel her body tense around me once more, sending her over the edge with a loud cry.

“Good girl, very good girl,” I murmur as I continue to lick her clean. “You did so well for me, so good for Daddy,” I praise her.

Eva gives a sharp moan at that, more slick trickling from her entrance. “Oh, I see. You like it when Daddy tells you that you’ve been good?” I ask.

She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, nodding her head against the arm of the couch. Ryder pulls his fingers out and grins. “I want a turn with our baby girl,” he says, voice husky.

“How do you want her?” I ask, pulling her to sit up.

“How about I kneel in front of her and get a taste myself while you sit her on your lap and fuck that wet pussy?” Ryder suggests.

“What do you think?” I ask, looking down at Eva. “Do you like the idea of that?”

“Yes, please!” she begs, a sob escaping her. “I need you. Please, please fuck me, Daddy!”

“As you wish,” I tell her, sharing a grin with Ryder.



The noises from this area of the house get louder as I approach. I wonder what the hell is happening? Is someone in the library?

Once I step into the room, the scene unfolds before me. I can’t help the gasp that escapes me as I watch my brother going to town on Evangeline, giving her the same experience that I did the other day.

She seems on the verge of an orgasm when the two of them turn to see me in the doorway. “Come join us,” Theo beckons, and I saunter into the room, moving so I’m standing over Eva while Theo dives back down to continue.

Once he’s drawn her orgasm from her, he looks back up to me, and I declare that I want my turn with her.

Shifting Eva onto his lap, Theo sits on the chintz-patterned sofa and draws out his cock, pressing it against her sopping wet entrance as he teases the opening a little before sinking her onto him.
