Page 16 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Good girl,” Oliver praises, and I lose it right then and there, my orgasm hitting me so hard I almost lose the ability to breathe, thighs shaking as I come apart, letting out a ragged scream.

“Shit,” Ryder curses softly. “She’s desperate for us. It’s so fuckin’ hot,” he admits, speeding up as he begins to slam into me with rough abandon. “Take it, baby. Take it all, take me so deep inside you. Gonna ruin you for any other man.”

He tenses and shouts, his own orgasm hitting him at that moment as his hips stutter to a stop, giving a little twitch as he spills his load deep inside me. I’m so full of cum now that it’s leaking out of me, slowly trickling down my leg. His fingers come up, scooping it back up and stuffing it into my over-sensitive entrance.

“She’s so fuckin’ sexy,” Ryder says, voice hoarse. “Can’t keep our hands off you, dollface.”

He continues to play with me, stroking slippery fingers over my sensitive bud, teasing and toying with me until I’m good and worked up again. His fingers leave, and my hips chase after him, but he just laughs, smirking at the desperation on my face.

“Oliver, she’s ready for you,” he offers. I don’t know if I have another round in me, but the decision is made before I can even say something as Oliver sinks inside me without warning.

“Fuck, she’s still so tight, even after taking the two of you,” Oliver says, a groan in his voice. “I’m not sure I’m going to last very long.”

Ryder and Theo move on either side of me to gain better access to my body, taking turns touching me all over as Oliver’s cock moves in and out of me rhythmically. “She’s such a good little whore,” Theo croons down to me. “You want this, don’t you? Want to be used by us just like this, don’t you, baby?”

The strong scent of alcohol emanates from Theo as he leans down to talk to me, and I know that the three of them are past the point of sobriety, but I’m too far gone now to care. His praise does strange things to me, sending pulsating waves of pleasure through my entire body, bringing me right up to the edge once again.

“You don’t know what you do to us, baby,” Oliver groans, rutting deep inside me. His hands are pressing tight enough to my hips to leave marks, and I feel every drag of his cock as it rubs over my spot, leaving me a whiny, sobbing mess.

“That’s right, you can take it,” Oliver encourages. “You can take more. You’re made for us. You’re our little whore tonight, baby. Your greedy hole is eager to take all of us and be stuffed with our cum, isn’t it?”

His words seem to spur me on, desperation climbing as my body moves of its own volition, hips angling to take him deeper as he practically folds me in half, slamming into me over and over.

“You’re so hot, so wet, dollface,” he says, voice ragged and breathless. “Can’t believe you can take all of us like this and just keep getting wetter. Want to stay inside you forever. This pussy is practically a drug, and we’re all close to being addicts.”

Stars burst behind my eyelids as yet another orgasm is wrung from me. I scream Oliver’s name, Theo and Ryder keeping my arms in place as Oliver’s body tenses and he spills inside me, leaning down to plant a fierce kiss on my lips, leaving them bruised in his wake.

As soon as Oliver is done, the three of them grab their clothes and take off, leaving me alone in my bedroom covered in bitemarks, bruises, and sticky with various fluids.

As I lay on my back, staring up at the dark ceiling, my mind whirls as I come down from the incredible high I’d just experienced.


I was supposed to be protecting myself. I should have never let them into my room, let alone let them touch me the way they did tonight. What is wrong with me? Tears gather in my eyes as I wrap the blankets around myself, trying to hide from the outside world.

Even if I wanted to, I don’t know if I could resist them again. Not after tonight. Not after everything they did to me.

How am I going to keep working here after this?



Memories of last night flood back in waves, a blur of memories of us pouncing on Evangeline like animals. A smirk plays at my lips, knowing we finally put the little brat in her place. She’ll think twice before stepping out of line again.

But there are more pressing matters than a slutty maid to think about, like how the DeLuccis have been keeping a low profile lately. We haven’t had a single territory dispute or stand-off in months.

Declan must be on the same wavelength because he’s summoning me to his office.

Time to face the storm head-on.

Choosing a white linen dress shirt, I pair it with gray slacks and a single diamond earring. I run some mousse through my curls and give myself a thumbs-up in the mirror before heading out to see Declan.

He’s got an office at the top of Steeler Tower, and I head inside, admiring the renovation to the lobby. It’s got a waterfall along one wall, cascading from the third floor. The marble tile is polished within an inch of its life, and the natural wood tones give the place a calm, earthy feel.

Striding through the lobby, I ascend swiftly to Declan’s office on the fiftieth floor.

His secretary waves me in. “He’s expecting you,” she says. I give her a once-over, admiring how her pencil skirt fits snugly to her generous curves before heading directly inside.
