Page 15 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Oliver makes short work of her panties as Ryder turns her over, forcing her to her hands and knees.

“We’re going to take turns using you,” I tell her, stroking a hand over the soft skin of her ass. “And you’re going to enjoy it, little slut.”

She moans deeply as I line myself up, slipping inside with a heated gasp. Stars burst behind my eyes as I feel her walls clench around me.

Shit. Now that I’ve had a taste of her, I wonder if getting her out of my system might be harder than I thought.



Moonlight filters through the curtains, highlighting the freckles across Oliver’s nose as he leans down to suck a deep mark into my neck. Theo’s cock pulsates inside me, my body thrumming with wet, hot desire.

Every part of me is abuzz, like a live wire under my skin. My body is theirs to use, to claim. Every touch of their hands, every swipe of their tongues, brings me to new heights of ecstasy.

For the first time since I came to work in their household, these men aren’t treating me as little more than dirt beneath their feet. They aren’t giving me endless orders, running me ragged with impossible tasks, or hurling insults about my cleaning skills.

It’s as though they can’t get enough of me, and it’s a rush. Theo’s cock drags against the spot inside me that has me fisting the sheets while Ryder rubs his thumb over my tongue, whispering praise that has me higher than any drug could take me.

Maybe it’s all a cruel joke, but I don’t want it to stop. I don’t want this evening to end.

My legs shake as Theo thrusts deeper inside, covering my body with his as his hands grip my hips with bruising force. The primal way he’s taking me from behind has my head spinning, rutting into me in a passionate, almost animalistic manner.

“God!” I gasp out, drawing my hips up higher to allow deeper access. Theo’s cock is practically kissing my cervix with every roll of his hips.

“That’s right, take it. Take it like a good little girl,” Theo growls, leaning down to sink his teeth into my shoulder, leaving my skin burning in the best way. It sets off a chain reaction, causing me to seize up, sending Theo over the edge next, pulling out just enough to spill onto my thighs.

“Look at you, painted in my cum like the whore you are,” he says, voice almost sounding awe-struck. “Ryder, you’re next. Get over her and fuck her tight little pussy, stuff her full of our cum,” he orders.

Ryder pulls me toward him, yanking me down onto the bed and turning me over onto my back. “Need to see you,” he growls. “Need to see how hungry you are for my cock, how badly you want me.” His voice is deep, reverberating through me as he lines himself up at my entrance and punches his way inside in one quick motion.

As Ryder begins to thrust inside me, Theo moves so he’s ravishing my breasts with wet kisses, groping and tweaking the nipples in turn. Oliver pushes my jaw open and shoves his cock inside without preamble, making me choke. “You’re a pretty little hole for us to use, aren’t you, dollface?” he asks, tone mocking as tears gather in the corners of my eyes.

Everything inside me is humming in pleasure. Being degraded by these men is somehow the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. I don’t want it to stop, to end. My brain is trying to tell me this is wrong, this is bad, but my body is alive with the pleasure they’re giving me, insatiable for more.

Filthy, wet, squelching noises permeate the room as Ryder slams into me, hard, and Oliver’s cock pumps in and out of my mouth. I’m completely at their mercy, and I’ve never felt more alive in my life.

Ryder’s cock is different from Theo’s, longer and with a slight curve. It feels incredible inside me now, like I was made to take it. Oliver’s cock is pushing deeper into my throat, and I’m choking on it, feeling almost numb as the pleasure continues to escalate, floating in a state of bliss.

Why can’t it be like this all the time? Even if they want to make me into their whore, it’s better than being their prey, their plaything to take out their anger on. I’d be so good for them, good to them.

My hand reaches out, playing with the soft sac underneath Oliver’s cock, encouraging him to deepthroat me to his heart’s content. I want him to spill down my throat, to use me like he wants.

Maybe if they see how obedient I can be, they’ll ease up on their cruel treatment.

“She’s so wet for us,” Ryder pants as he works his hips back and forth. “So wet, so tight. She keeps getting wetter the more we fuck her.”

Use me, I plead silently. Touch me, stroke me, fuck me, make me wet, I’ll do anything to make this moment last.

Oliver’s hands come up, tugging at my hair. The pain mingles with electric pulses of pleasure as he pulls hard at the base, yanking my head back so I have to work to keep his cock in my mouth.

“Look at her,” Oliver breathes out. “She was made for us and she knows it. She’s loving the way we treat her.”

Deep down, there’s a part of me that knows this is wrong, that I deserve better, but another part, a bigger part, is just too turned on to care. I throw my head back into the pillow and let out a deep moan as I get closer and closer to the edge once more.

Oliver’s hands twist in my hair as Theo begins to leave harder bites on my breasts, multiplying the pain-and-pleasure mix I’m experiencing. It feels as though I’ve been drugged, my mind entirely shutting down to anything but sensations.

“Don’t stop,” I whine, my free hand reaching out to grip Ryder’s hips tightly while the other continues to play with Oliver. “Want it, want it so bad.”
