Page 17 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Pretty girl,” I remark, throwing myself down into the chair. Declan nods and leans back in his chair.

As I take him in, I notice that something isn’t right. His dark hair is slightly disheveled from its natural slicked-back state and his tie is slightly crooked, as though he’d been tugging at it. Dark circles under his eyes betray the worry etched into his features.

"Those DeLucci gobshites have gone and stirred up a hornet's nest," Declan grumbles, folding his hands on the desk. "They've brazenly waltzed into our territory, swiped a shipment, and left a trail of dead Callahan men in their wake."

My mouth sets into a grim line immediately. “Fuckers,” I snarl, leaning forward. “So, what’s the plan to deal with this?”

“Seems our neighbors have been feeling bold lately,” Declan says, mouth in a tight line. “We can’t let their little attack go unanswered.”

“So killing our father wasn’t enough for those bastards?” I ask, hands curling into fists as my dark urges creep up. “They want everything now?”

Declan’s brows draw together. “They’ve got another thing comin’ if they think they can come into Callahan territory, mess with us, and get away with it. I want you to take a message to them. Let them know that we’re starting to consider a territory expansion of our own.”

I nod, eager to take those rat bastards down a peg or two.

“Oh, and take Liam with you,” he adds, jerking his head to indicate the man standing silently at his side. I widen my eyes in surprise. Liam Gallagher, known as 'The Fixer', stands quietly behind his boss, his blue eyes holding steely resolve, while the subtle flex of his muscles hints at a lifetime of disciplined training. If he wants Liam there, it must be serious.

We head for Meridian Heights, the financial district. It’s the hub of the DeLucci territory, teeming with life at this time of day. Bustling streets are filled with a symphony of honking horns and harried footsteps. Towering skyscrapers cast long shadows over the throngs of people below, while the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the aromas of street food.

Just as I expect, I find myself strolling right into the very person I was hoping to see. “Isabella, always a pleasure,” I drawl, stopping in front of the dark-haired beauty. People around us notice what’s happening and scatter like roaches, not wanting to be around during this showdown.

“Well, if it isn't the Everhart brat, strolling into our territory like you own the damn place,” Isabella says curtly, raising one manicured eyebrow. Isabella DeLucci exudes sophistication, her sleek, designer pantsuit perfectly complementing her statuesque figure. Every detail, from her meticulously styled hair to the subtle glint of her diamond earrings, speaks of refinement and power.

Those dark brown eyes flash dangerously at me now as we stand off. “You're a long way from home, Everhart. What brings you slumming it in DeLucci territory?”

“Just keeping an eye on things, Isabella. Seems your family's been getting a bit too cozy with our shipments lately,” I say, stepping forward into her space. Frankie, Isabella’s bodyguard, steps forward as well, glaring at me.

“You'd best watch your mouth, Everhart,” he sneers. “Don't think we'll let you waltz in here and start throwin' accusations.”

I lean in, matching his expression. “Accusations? Nah, just stating facts. But if you want to dance, we can tango,” I offer.

Isabella steps between us, chin held high. “You think you scare us, Everhart? We've dealt with bigger threats than the likes of you. You’re here for a reason. What is it?”

“Careful, sweetheart. You might be all dolled up in Daddy's riches, but you ain't got a clue what the real game's about,” I tell her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She slaps my hand away and gives me a nasty look, raising her hand and smacking me across the face, sending me reeling backward.

Rage floods my veins, a red haze obscuring my vision.

“Don’t you touch me,” she hisses. “I’ll have your head on a silver platter if you do that again.”

With a swiftness she didn’t see coming, I reach out and grab her arm, twisting it painfully behind her back, forcing her against me, pressing our bodies together.

“Try that again and you’ll regret it,” I caution her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Now I want you to listen carefully. You think you’re the Mafia princess, but all you are is a cheap whore draped in expensive clothing. Your Family is lucky we don’t bring down the full wrath of the Callahans for that little stunt you pulled.”

I enjoy the way she shivers as I speak, so I yank her arm further up her back, drawing a sharp breath from her lips as she winces.

“Now go run to Daddy and tell him what I said,” I add. “Be a good girl, or I’ll make sure that you understand exactly why the Callahans are known for their ruthlessness.” Releasing her, I shove her forward, and she stumbles, almost planting on the ground. Frankie rushes forward at the last second and catches her in his arms. He gives me a murderous look, but I step back, holding my hands up.

“Relax. I’ve delivered the message I came to give,” I tell them, slipping my hands in my pockets as I saunter over to stand next to Liam.

“Fucking Everharts,” Frankie spits out. Isabella rubs her arm, looking up at him.

“It’s not worth it, Frankie,” she warns.

But Frankie isn’t deterred. “You’ve got a big mouth, kid. But remember, your family ain’t untouchable. The DeLucci family is running this game. You should know better than anyone what happens when you cross the DeLuccis. Your father trusted the wrong people. Look where it got him.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demand. I start to take a step forward, but Liam puts his hand out, stopping me.
