Page 14 of Shadowvale Secrets

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A smirk tugs at my lips, a plan forming in the recesses of my mind. “We show her where she belongs.”

Oliver leans forward, curiosity mingling with anticipation. "And where's that?"

"Underneath us," I declare, confidence surging through me. "Submitting to us, wholly."

Ryder's brow furrows, skepticism lingering in the air. "You want to seduce her?"

I nod, determination burning bright. “It's time we put an end to these games. We show her that she's nothing to us, and we move on.”

“Interesting,” Ryder says, putting his phone away and standing up with a gleam in his eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

I nod slowly, and the three of us grin, sharing a silent look of understanding before we head upstairs to find her.

I pound on her door, and she opens it cautiously, a wary look in her eyes. “It’s the middle of the night,” she complains. “What do you want?”

She’s only wearing a thin, cotton nightdress, the outline of her body visible in the moonlight streaming through her windows.

I can feel the intensity of my brothers’ gazes as we all stand before her, all attention on the woman who has so far eluded our grasp.

“We need to talk,” I say, my voice low and commanding. I push past her, entering her room without invitation. Ryder and Oliver follow suit, closing the door behind us.

She steps back, a look of apprehension flickering across her features. “What’s going on?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

I don’t answer immediately. Instead, I take a moment to study her, the way the moonlight casts shadows across her delicate features. Her eyes dart nervously between the three of us.

Ryder steps forward, his expression dark and unreadable. “You’ve been causing trouble,” he says, his voice tinged with accusation.

She furrows her brow. “I don’t understand.”

Oliver moves closer, his gaze piercing as he locks eyes with her. “You’ve been playing games,” he tells her. “But the game ends now.”

A shiver runs down her spine and she takes a step back. I close the distance between us. “You’ve been toying with us,” I say, my voice low and dangerous. “But you’re about to find out what happens when you play with fire.”

She tries to speak, to protest, but the words die in her mouth as mine descends, pressing against her lips as I push her into the wall. My knee comes up between her thighs as I rip the nightgown off her body, revealing silky panties and nothing else.

“Stop,” Evangeline says, pushing me off her. “I don’t want this. Get away from me.” She shoves at my chest, but Ryder steps forward, grabbing her wrists in one hand and raising them above her head.

“It doesn’t seem like you want us to leave,” Oliver purrs, running light fingers over her quickly hardening nipples. “I see the way you look at us when you think no one can see you…”

She shivers, twisting her head to the side.

But Ryder is there, capturing her lips with his as my hand moves down, pushing her panties to the side to slip a single digit into her wet folds. Evangeline chokes out a ragged breath, eyes watering.

“You can’t tell me you want us to leave when the truth is plain as day,” I tell her, moving up to circle over her clit. She lets out a low moan, a mix of desperation and disbelief in her eyes as she stares up at us.

“I don’t want this,” she protests weakly. Ryder scoffs.

“You want to try lying to us again?” he asks, pressing wet kisses along the pale column of her throat as her hands fly up to fist in his hair.

“It’s honestly kind of sad,” I agree, thumb rubbing her clit with more insistent strokes as I work a finger into her opening. She’s tight here, but with each slow flick of my wrist, my finger pushes deeper inside.

“Stop,” Evangeline whimpers. “Please stop. Why are you doing this to me?”

Oliver’s lips curl into a half-grin. “You wanted us. Now you have us, dollface. Be careful what you wish for.”

I pull my finger out and hold it up to her lips. “Clean it,” I order, arousal flooding my veins when she opens her mouth immediately. Her tongue swirls around and around, sucking the sweet-scented slick from my finger, eyes half-lidded. I could get lost watching her like this, but the incessant throb of my dick reminds me of what we’re doing here.

“Enough,” I snap, pulling my finger away. “Ryder, get her on the bed. Oliver, strip her the rest of the way down.”
