Page 47 of Through the Ice

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“Fuck.” He ran a hand over his face. “I had this whole plan with you, you know? I was gonna take you for a walk after dinner, look at stars, then ask to kiss you slowly. It was gonna be romantic as hell.”

“Sounds like it would’ve been, yeah. Well done.” I stepped toward him, and he did the same. My room was too small for the both of us, and I was thankful when Theo’s one step brought him to me.

“All I’ve thought about is kissing you, but I really would be a dick if I didn’t offer to talk. Do you want to talk about what happened tonight, why it hurt? It would feel good to get it off your chest, and I’m a great listener. I’ll keep my hands to myself the entire time. I’ll offer my shoulder to cry on.”

I shook my head, letting my gaze take all of Theo Sanders in. He was better to look at, to think about than what happened. I knew why tonight transpired as it did, even though the reality of it killed me. It was like a breakup with people who I loved. That tether snapped. I’d worry about it tomorrow, preferred that actually. I had this gorgeous man standing in my dorm room, looking like sin and orgasms, and I was the new Audrey. This Audrey asked for wild things. She voiced what she wanted instead of being in the background. The new Audrey would’ve confronted her only two living family members and demanded an explanation instead of hiding out back in pure agony.

I liked this newer version of myself.

It was thrilling.

“Kiss me, Theo, please.”

“Mm.” He smiled and ran his fingers over the slit of my dress, teasing the fabric and causing goose bumps to explode all over my body. He ran one finger up my side, teasing the side of my breast, before grabbing my chin and tilting my face up. “Be more specific, baby, because there’s a lot of places I want to kiss right now.”

“Oh my.” I panted as Theo gently grabbed my hip and walked us back to my bed. He nudged me onto my back, his face right over mine, before he kissed my jawline. My eyes about fluttered to the back of my head. “Oh, wow.”

“I’m just kissing your neck right now. Is this what you meant?”

I clutched at his sides, needing to grab something to prevent myself from thrashing around. My nipples were so tight from the fabric continually brushing over them. Theo’s thick torso felt like a brick, all toned muscles, and I wanted to bite into him. “More,” I begged, not quite sure for what.

He sucked one earlobe into his mouth, and my hips arched off the bed. The wetness from his tongue, the slight sting from his teeth, holy shit. Moisture pooled between my legs, and I needed him to touch me there, or I’d burst into flames. It was just true facts.

“Or did you mean right there?” He kissed my collarbone, sucking the skin a beat before dropping lower to the center of my chest. “You have this mole right here.” He licked the upper part of my left breast. “I’m obsessed with it. I’ve stared at it every time you weren’t looking. Fuck, baby, your tits are driving me wild. Can I feel or kiss them?”

“Kiss?” I foolishly said, my mind not quite working right. The feel of his hard body on top of mine combined with his cologne and kissing my neck, and I was overheated. A mere whisper of his lips on me sent me into hyperdrive.

He lowered onto his knees and cupped my breasts with both hands. “Fuuuuck, baby.” He pushed them together before dropping his head and licking between them. “You’re a dream. I’m such a tit man, Audrey, and yours are… fuck… I’m gonna be obsessed with them. They feel amazing. Can I see them before I taste?”

“See?” Okay, I had to stop repeating his words like a question, but did he want me to take off my whole dress? I wasn’t… “See them?”

His blue eyes were simmering with lust, and he audibly swallowed before asking, “Do I have your permission?”

Did he? Of course, he did. He made me feel like nothing else mattered, and it was addicting. “Yes, Theo.”

He growled in approval. Without undoing any part of my dress, he took my breasts out of the dress so they were right there, in his face. My hard nipples were an inch from his mouth as Theo stared with a slack jaw.

His pupils were dilated, his lips wet as he met my gaze for a beat. “Fucking perfect. Tell me what feels good, okay? Do you like this?”

He pinched each nipple lightly, and I let out a very unattractive groan. Chuckling, he did it again. “As I learn your body, I want concrete answers, alright? Your body might react to my touch, but that doesn’t mean you like it. So please be direct.”

“I like it.” I clutched the sheets this time, his hair and chest too far away. He kept pinching and tickling my nipples, and the heat worsened. “I’m… it’s…”

Then he placed his warm mouth over the bud and sucked and holy shit. I bucked off the bed. “Theo!”

“Mm, yeah, you like this.” He switched between both, sucking lightly, then hard as he continually kneaded the other. Every touch sent a hurricane of sensations to my core, and it wasn’t humanly possible to experience pleasure this fast.

“I’m… I’m…”

“What about this?” He released a nipple and blew his breath over the tip, the contrasting cold to the warmth of his mouth causing trembles throughout my body. “Or this?”

He swirled his tongue around my areola and flicked the beaded point, and heat exploded like a bolt of lightning from my nipples to my pussy. It was like there was an electric current threading between them, and my breath caught in my throat.

“Mm, are you close to coming?” He stared at me with a hint of a smile, his eyes wild and a few shades darker than I was used to. “I really want to watch you fall apart again.”

“I think so,” I whined, grinding my hips against the air in a desperate attempt to feel something. “I just need…” I begged, gripping the sheets so hard they came off the bed.

He hummed against my breasts before leaning back to a crouch. His hands landed on the tops of my thighs. “Do you need me to help you?”
