Page 48 of Through the Ice

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“Y-yes.” The fire was roaring, but the anticipation of orgasming again was painful. It was close, yet not there. The few times I had tried in the past ended like this. “Touch me, Theo. I beg you.”

A low, satisfied rumble escaped his chest as he slid my dress up to my hips. He breathed in deep before grazing his thumb over my panties. The slight pressure was enough for me to arch up again, my pussy a magnet pulled in by him. “Audrey Hawthorne begging me. Never thought I’d see this, but damn, I am a huge fan.”

“Shut up,” I said, snorting before it turned into a moan. He moved the fabric to the side so my pussy was bare to him. Nothing between us now. He slid his fingers through my wet lips, lingering on my clit as I slammed my head onto the bed. “No one… no one has ever touched me there before.”

“Fuck, Audrey.” He rested his forehead on my thigh and groaned. “You have no idea what those words do to me. That I’m the only one who gets to see your pretty pussy like this, dripping and waiting for me.”

I shuddered. “Oh my god.”

“Do you like this?” He swirled his thumb on my clit in a pattern, slow and consistent as the pressure built. Sweat beaded all along my body, and when Theo bit into my thigh, I came apart.

“Theo! Yes, oh my god!” Words flew out of my mouth, none of them making sense as I had the most explosive orgasm of my life. Heat blasted from my pussy to every limb, a magical prickle of pleasure hitting every nerve ending in my body. I forgot to breathe the pleasure was so strong, so after thirty seconds of bliss, I gasped for air.

“Breathe, baby. Breathe for me.”

His breath hit my face, and amusement laced his tone as I panted like I’d run a mile. The first few breaths helped me settle and gave me enough strength to open my eyes. Theo sat next to me on the bed, wearing a huge grin as he stared at me.

“You are exquisite.”

“Stop.” My face flooded with heat. “No, I’m not.”

“You are. You thrashed around the bed like a beautiful maniac. Your hair is everywhere, and I swear I can smell your arousal.”

“Theo, Jesus.” I snorted.

“No, it’s insanely hot. I’m debating if I should I lick my fingers right now or not.”

“Oh my god.” I covered my face with my hands. “You’re so crass.”

“Nah, horny as hell around you.” Using his other hand, he brushed my hair off my face and removed my fingers covering my eyes. “I seemed to have messed up yet again.”

“What?” I frowned. He had to leave. He had to go. He realized I was a dead end. I knew it would happen, but I didn’t think it would happen right now. “You have to go. I get it.”

He recoiled like I slapped him. “What? No. No. Why would you… Audrey.” He chuckled, but there was a little annoyance to it. “I love being around you. I don’t want to leave.”

“Oh.” My throat tightened with emotion. I felt silly for thinking he had to leave. Well, silly for voicing it. The thought wasn’t out of line. “I don’t want you to leave either.”

“Good, cause I’m not.” He grinned, this time kindness radiating from him. “I meant I messed up because I never got to kiss you how I planned.”

My nostrils flared as he cupped my face and stared at me like… like I mattered. He cared for me, sure, but the intensity of his eyes had no business giving me asinine thoughts like this.

He licked his lips and closed the distance between our mouths and then Theo kissed me. It was soft at first, his lips soft and wet and warm against mine. He tasted like mint, and it made my mouth tingle.

“Mm,” he groaned, cupping the back of my head as he moved to straddle me. I’d never, ever in my life, had someone straddle me with their body before, and oh shit.

I liked it. I liked his weight on me, the heat and hardness of his body. “Can, can I touch you too?” I asked between kisses.

“Baby, you can do whatever you want to me.” He played with my hair and tilted my neck back, deepening our kiss as he slid his tongue into my mouth. The minty tingles exploded around my tongue, and the taste, the smell, and the feel of him were too much.

He was perfect.

I never wanted to forget this moment, being the subject of his attention as he kissed me hard, then soft. Delicate, then firm. My vision danced with black spots when he pulled back and frowned. “Auds, breathe, baby.”

I gasped a second time that night. His eyes were heated but also worried as I took a few more breaths. “This is embarrassing.”

“Do you struggle with breathing? Is there something I should know, so I don’t… cause it?” An adorable wrinkle formed between his strong brows.

“No.” I fanned my face, refusing to look at him. “That kiss… it was nice. Made me forget to breathe.”
