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My couch bumps with the rhythmic movement as I ride wave after wave of pleasure, and he puts a hand on my stomach to steady us. I ignore it and throw my legs over those sexy, wide shoulders as he licks and kisses and sucks at the most inner parts of me.

The familiar sensation starts at my clit and moves to my stomach, swirling in a fire-like vice grip of pleasure I’ve never felt with another person. “Fuck, Wilder. God dammit!” I moan, pawing at his back. I look down and briefly wonder if I’ll leave marks on his shoulders.

I squeeze my thighs around his ears, but he keeps eating me. He licks me as I break apart, moaning and arching off my couch. He nibbles at me as I say his name over and over. He sucks on my clit as my toes curl into his back.

He does all of these things until I stop shaking and whimpering. Only then does he look up at me, his tongue still idly swirling around my slit. “Had enough?”

“I want to make you feel good like you did to me.”

“I thought you’d never ask, sweetheart,” he smiles, getting up to his knees and undoing his pants. He leans down and kisses me softly on the lips, and I taste myself. I’ve never tasted myself before, but I lose myself with him. He strokes my face and hair and kisses me until my cheeks are just as wet with me as the wetness that still glistens on his stubble.

When he breaks the kiss, he rubs his nose over mine. “Let’s go upstairs for you to return the favor, though. We may need more room for this.”

More room? How much room do I need to blow him?

November 20- Wilder

Being sucked off is like eating pizza. Sometimes, an expert makes the pizza, and it’s decadent and orgasmic. Other times, it’s greasy and cheap.

Both are amazing and have their virtues.

It’s obvious that she hasn’t had many dicks in her mouth. That knowledge turns me on to levels I haven’t felt in a long time. Even if she’s inexperienced, I can teach her to do it the way I like. But her lips are thick and wet and sliding over my length. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters. I’m in heaven in her warm bed with expensive sheets, and her head bobs over me in a steady rhythm as I curl my hands through her soft hair.

“Come off it a little,” I whisper, stroking her cheek. She looks up at me with doe eyes, and I bite my lip. Fuck, that’s sexy. “Take a long lick up the length and flick your tongue just under the head.”

She nods, accepting my instruction, and does what I ask. “Flatten your tongue,” I huff, my breath catching. “Now come down on it as far as you can, then ease back and suck. Just like that.”

My eyes close, my breath hitches, and pleasure comes over me in waves as I rock into her mouth. She gags a little when she goes down as far as she can, but we can work on her gag reflex over the remaining months.

“Look at me when you blow me,” I whisper, fisting her hair and thrusting into her mouth. Just a little. Not enough to hurt her or make her puke on my dick. It’s hard not to face fuck her, but this isn’t my first rodeo, and I restrain myself.

She focuses on me, tears welling in her eyes at the length and width of me. I can’t look away, and I try not to shut my eyes again. “You look so fucking beautiful with my dick in your mouth,” I coo, wiping stray spit away from her chin.

I hold back my orgasm, wanting this to last. I know a lot of women just want it over with and wish we’d come when we feel like it, but I like to savor my oral sex. I need something else to concentrate on.

“Have you ever had someone eat you out while you sucked them?”

I don’t know why I asked. I know she hasn’t. I think she’s barely been fucked, much less practiced enough to become a sixty-nine aficionado. Her eyes widen in fear, and I chuckle. “Don’t worry. We don’t have to.”

She comes off my dick with a slurping noise that almost makes me come just from the sound of it. “I want to try. This is about trying new things for a few months, right? I’m just intimidated.”

I smile down at her. “Swing around.”

“Swing around?”

“I don’t know if you know how this works, but you’re going to sit backwards on my face.”

She hesitates. “I’m scared of that position.”

“Why are you scared of sixty-nine? It’s just doing the same things we’ve already done to each other at the same time.”

“You’ll think it’s stupid.”

“I think a lot of what you say is weird, but I never think it’s stupid.”

She clenches the sheets, and I thrust my pelvis toward her face, missing the feel of her mouth. “You have to promise not to laugh.”

“I’m thoroughly fascinated as to what’s going to come out of your mouth.”
