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“Huh, no granny panties?” he asks, pulling my jeans down.

I arch up to help him pull my pants down. “Did you think I wore granny panties?”

“Yes,” he says, kissing the top of my mound. A shudder moves through me, and he tongues the lace of my panties that meet my thighs. “I’m impressed. In fact, I think I’ll have fun with these panties first.”

What the hell is he going to do with my panties except take them off?

I get my answer when he pushes my legs open and kisses my pussy over the lacy fabric. “Mmm,” he groans from between my legs.

I look down but can’t catch his eyes. They’re closed as his mouth nips at the fabric. He runs his nose over my panties, up and down the area, and brazenly mouths me through my underwear like my lingerie is that poor bagel from the other day.

“You’re so wet, I can taste how much you want this just from licking your panties. I bet I could wring them out.”

“My fucking God,” I whimper, his hands pulling at the waistband but not pulling my underwear down.

I buck and jerk, wiggling my hips and willing him to just pull the fucking fabric off already. I cover his hands with my own and push, but he chuckles into my crotch and keeps his hands exactly where he wants them.

“Someone’s rather eager to be bare with me.”

“Please, Wilder!”

“Beg. Tell me,” he demands, his voice suddenly dangerous and almost mean.

“What do you want to hear? I’ll say whatever you want.”

“I want to hear you plead for me to take your panties off and eat your pussy. That’s what I want,” he says. He runs his nose up my slit again but doesn’t break eye contact this time. “Beg for me to devour you. It’ll feel so good, Savannah. I’ll make sure you like it.”

I fist his hair, and he laughs. He actually laughs as I paw at his hair like an animal in heat. This damn man in my apartment and space is laughing that he has me right where he wants me.

He wins.

“Wilder, please,” I sob. “Take my panties off.”

“Then what?”

I hesitate because it’s hard for a mouse like me to say the words. “Put your mouth on me. Please!”

“Look at me while I do it. Don’t close your eyes.”

I meet his eyes, and he winks at me before slowly dragging my underwear down inch by inch. The fabric burns as it passes my thighs, then my knees, and gets caught on one of my toes before Wilder finally throws it across the room.

“Better?” he asks, placing a small kiss on my clit.

I always hid under the covers or was ashamed of my body when I was with the one man I’ve had sex with. It’s not just shyness. Maybe it was societal pressure to look perfect for him. I was scared of displeasing him like a lot of young women feel when they’re with a man for the first time.

I feel none of that with Wilder. He pushes my legs apart and looks between my legs. A chuckle bubbles out of my throat when I realize nobody has seen me so bare, so exposed, since the last time I was at the gynecologist.

I simply don’t care, and the cool air is freeing.

He stares at me and tilts his head to the side like he’s examining something of interest. “You’re dripping for me,” he says. “There’s a little drop, right here.”

He wipes his finger from my asshole to where the dribble is and looks up at me. Then, he sticks his finger into his mouth and rolls the taste on his tongue like it’s a delicacy he’s trying for the first time. “So yummy,” he whispers and looks back down. “And so fucking beautiful.”

He gives me one last wry smile before dipping down to my skin. His breath is like fire, and I gasp as his tongue flicks over my clit. “You’re going to like this Savannah, and you should let me taste this more often.”

I don’t care what he does or when he does it. The world could explode right now, and I wouldn’t give one single fuck. There’s nothing but his mouth on my clit and his hands roaming my hips. I grip his hair and ride his face, completely unashamed of myself. In fact, the harder I buck into him, the more he moans from between my legs.

He’s getting off on getting me off.
