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“It’s just that, well, my…you know,” she says, waving her hand at her butt. I furrow my brow, confused. “My butthole will be in your face. I mean, you’ll be staring at it or hitting it with your nose.”

“Is that a problem?” I ask, not understanding the issue. “I’ve never had any complaints about that little nose nuzzle before.”

“Isn’t it a little unnerving that my butthole will be so exposed?”

I sigh and stroke her hair. “It’s just a body part, Savannah. You’ll be able to see mine if you go all the way down on my dick. And I do hope you’ll go all the way down on that dick.”

“That’s not a helpful argument, Wilder.”

“What if I promise to close my eyes?”

“I don’t know.”

I push her head back to my dick. “It’s fine. Maybe someday I’ll open you up enough to let go with me.” She opens her mouth to take me back down her throat, and I stroke her hair. “Maybe we can get in the shower sometime. You can let me get you good and clean before we take care of each other. Then, you wouldn’t have to worry or be self-conscious.”

She nods and bobs her head on me. I give her little commands like “faster” or “lick there,” and she does what I ask each time. She adapts to my sighs and moans, redoing things that make me arch my back and letting go of things that don’t work for me. Every moan from my mouth congratulates her when she does well, and I force myself to stay still and not react when she does something I don’t like. It’s the best way to teach her.

My pelvic area and some of my abdomen is soaked in her spit, and she backs off, wiping her mouth and looking up at me with apologetic eyes. “That’s good, Savannah,” I whisper. “Guys like it more when it’s wet and when you get your spit on it.”

“Really?” she asks, and I can tell her throat hurts. Her voice is husky.

“Slide up here.”

“But you’re not done,” she whines, wrinkling her brow. “You finished me. I need to finish you.”

I laugh and run my hands through her hair. “I’ll finish elsewhere. You can swallow a mouth load of me another time.”

She kisses her way up my chest and nips at my neck. “That feels so good, Savannah,” I mutter, closing my eyes. I could stay on my back forever and let her kiss me, my cock hard against her stomach and still covered in her spit. But my dick needs to get this show on the road.

I flip us over until I’m on top of her, and she grinds into me, wrapping her legs around me. “Do you want something?” I ask against her lips.

“You. Just you,” she sighs. “I want this so bad, Wilder. It’s been so long for me.”

She squeezes her eyes shut and pants against my shoulder. “Do you have condoms in here, or do I need to go to my room?” I ask, unsure if I can walk with my dick so hard and wet.

“I have some,” she says, running her hands up and down my back. “I got some when you moved in.”

I pull back a little and look at her. “Have you wanted me since day one, Savannah?”

“On some level. They’re in the nightstand.”

I reach over, open the drawer, and rifle through it for something that feels like a box of condoms or something small in a foil package. “Wait! I’ll get them,” she yells, pushing me off her so hard that I grip the mattress to keep from falling off the bed.

“What the fuck, Savannah? Why don’t you want me to look in the drawer?”

“Nothing! No reason.”

A laugh bubbles up from my chest, and I pin her back to the mattress, stroking her hair back from her face as her skin flushes. “Savannah Smart, do you have a sex toy in that drawer you don’t want me to know about?”

Her eyes widen, and I know I hit the mark. I nuzzle her cheek and scrape my stubble across her face on the way to whisper into her ear. “Because you know we can have fun with that, right?”

“I think our levels of sexual adventure are a little out of sync,” she says below me, but her body trembles. She’s not completely against any of this.

“Is it a vibrator?”

She covers her face with her hands, hiding from me. “Why do you want to know?”

“You don’t exactly look like the anal bead type. I’ll go with standard vibrator, probably with some kind of silicone woodland creature on the end.” I bite my lip and raise my eyebrows at her. Fuck, I want to bury my dick inside of her. “Or maybe a vibrating wand-like thing.”
