Page 14 of Until His Girl

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“Touch yourself,” he commands. “I want to see how you like to play when you’re alone.”

My cheeks flame hotter, embarrassment warring with desire.

I’ve never done anything like this before, never shared such an intimate act with anyone. But the ache between my legs is impossible to ignore, and the thought of Drew watching me pleasure myself makes my clit pulse with need.

“Don’t be shy, baby. I already know how much you want it.” His voice softens. “Take the edge off. Touch yourself. Do whatever feels good.”

Reassured by his tone, I slide a hand down my stomach. A broken moan falls from my lips as I rub slow, teasing circles around my clit, putting on a show for the man towering over me.

Drew fists his cock through the fabric of his grey sweatpants as his gaze burns into mine. “That’s it, gorgeous. Play with that pretty pussy for me.”

His words send a jolt of electricity through me, spurring my fingers to move faster. “You’re such a good girl, letting me watch you come undone. So fucking sexy.”

His praise washes over me in waves, carrying me higher.

I’m drowning in sensation, barely aware of anything but the building pressure and Drew’s gravelly encouragement. When release crashes over me, I cry out his name, trembling through the aftershocks of a shattering climax.

As my body relaxes into the couch, Drew looms over me. His eyes glitter with heat and possessiveness, pupils blown wide with lust. “My turn.”

Before I can catch my breath, Drew settles between my thighs and nudges them further apart. He presses his cock at my entrance, then slides through my slick folds to tease my oversensitive clit.

“Easy, sweetheart.” Drew pins my hips in place as he stares down at me. “You’ll get what you need, but we’re going to take this slow. I want to feel every inch of you wrapped around me.”

He pushes inside in one smooth thrust, stretching me open in the most delicious way. “You feel like heaven, Eliza. So fucking tight. ”

Drew pulls back until only the tip remains inside before sliding home again with a snap of his hips. He sets a torturous pace, alternating between deep, powerful strokes and shallow thrusts.

“Please,” I whimper, nails scoring down his back. “I need...”

“Trust me, baby. I know exactly what you need.” His voice is rough with restraint as he slams into me again, burying himself to the hilt. “You need to be fucked hard. Stretched and filled until you can’t walk straight for days.”

Drew begins to pound into me without mercy, chasing his own release while pushing me closer to the edge again.

When I shatter around him, it pulls him over with me. He stiffens and spills inside me with a groan, his hips jerking erratically as he rides out his climax. Then, we collapse into a tangle of limbs as he wraps his arms around me like he never wants to let go.

We’ve only just met, but being here with him feels so right. Like I’ve finally found somewhere I belong after years of searching.

“What are you thinking about?” Drew murmurs, his lips brushing the top of my head.

“How perfect this moment is.” I sigh. “I never imagined I could feel this way about someone so quickly.”

“I know what you mean.” He slides his hand down to cup my ass, squeezing lightly. “From the moment I saw you, I knew you were meant to be mine. I just had to convince you it was what you wanted too.”

Heat floods my cheeks at the memory of how easily he overcame my resistance. As if I ever stood a chance against him. Not that I’m complaining now.

“I think you were very persuasive,” I tease, tilting my head up to meet his gaze.

Drew’s eyes darken, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Is that right? Maybe I should give you another demonstration just to drive the point home.”

Chapter Six


“For someone who says she doesn’t like the outdoors, you’ve sure taken to these woods like a champ,” I say, stepping over a fallen log.

Eliza turns to look back at me, her honey eyes sparkling. “What can I say? I have a very reliable guide. And he’s taken me on an amazing trip.”

“Amazing, huh?” I hike up the mountain trail behind Eliza and lean down to give her a quick kiss. But just as my lips brush hers, she jumps at the sight of a squirrel scampering across our path.
