Page 13 of Until His Girl

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“Shouldn’t you answer? It could be important.”

“Trust me, it’s not.” His jaw tightens, gaze fixed on the winding road ahead. “He probably heard about us leaving together and wants details.”

I frown, chewing my lip. The tension in his voice concerns me, a hint of something strained beneath the surface. “You make it sound like you’re not close.”

“No, we are. I love my brothers. We’re best friends. But sometimes, a man needs his space.” His hand finds my thigh again, warm and heavy, squeezing in a way that makes my breath catch. “Now, where were we?”

Heat floods my cheeks. “Oh, I was just... wondering if you meant what you said earlier. About me being yours?”

The words tumble out in a rush, my boldness startling even myself. But after what we shared, I need to know where we stand. I don’t want to set myself up for heartbreak by hoping for too much.

Drew’s eyes gleam. “Is that what you want, baby? To be mine?”

“I...” My tongue feels thick, my pulse racing. “Yes.”

“Good.” He slides his hand higher. “Because that’s what I want too.”

The cabin comes into view, a sprawling log structure perched at the edge of a pristine lake. Majestic peaks tower in the distance, their slopes dappled with pine trees. It’s breathtaking and ruggedly beautiful, the perfect escape from the demands of everyday life.

“Like it?” Drew asks, a hint of smugness in his tone. He already knows the answer, if my awed gasp is any indication.

“It’s amazing. I didn’t know you had a place like this.”

Drew chuckles. “I don’t share everything, Eliza.” Something flares in his eyes. “But I’ll share this place with you, and everything in it. Including me.”

I swallow hard, my mouth suddenly dry. “Including you?”

“Every last inch.” He kills the engine, then turns to cage me against the seat. “And you’re going to take it all, aren’t you?”

I nod, incapable of speech.

My whole body thrums with need, desperate to give him everything he demands.

Drew’s smile sharpens. “That’s my good girl. Now, let’s get inside. I want to hear those pretty sounds you made in my office again.”

I follow Drew inside the cabin on trembling legs. He sets our bags by the door and pulls me deeper into the great room, maneuvering me toward an overstuffed sofa.

“Sit,” he commands. I sink onto the cushions, watching through hooded eyes as he prowls closer. “Now, show me how wet I’ve made you.”

Heat floods my cheeks even as desire pools between my legs. I swallow hard and part my knees, giving him a glimpse of my soaked entrance.

Drew groans, the sound ragged with want. In one smooth motion, he drops to his knees.

“So eager to please me.” His breath ghosts over my heated flesh. “But patience, Eliza. We’ll get there.”

Get where? I’m already hovering at the edge of madness, desperate for his touch. “Drew, please.”

He presses a finger to my lips, gazing up at me with a wicked gleam. “You’ll come when I say you can come, not a moment before. Understand?”

I nod, trembling. His dominance awakens something primal inside me, a deep-seated urge to submit and be claimed.

Drew drags his knuckles up the inside of my thigh in a featherlight caress. “Good girl. Lay back and spread your legs for me.”

I comply instantly, my dress riding up as I let my legs fall open. I’ve never felt so exposed, but it only makes me feel even more turned on.

Drew’s gaze rakes over my prone form, his nostrils flaring. “So fucking gorgeous. And all mine.” His voice drops to a possessive growl. “No one else gets to see you like this. No one else touches you. You belong to me now, Eliza, and I’m going to ruin you for anyone else.”

I squirm under the intensity of his stare, unable to resist writhing against the couch cushions. Every word from his lips stokes the fire burning within me, leaving me desperate for more. For him.
