Page 15 of Until His Girl

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“You do know that squirrels don’t bite, right?” I tease.

She shoots me a playful glare. “Even still. They’re unpredictable creatures. You never know what they might do next.”

I turn and press a kiss to her temple. “We should take more hiking trips together. I love spending time with you.”

She arches a brow, lips quirking. “Even with my irrational fear of squirrels?”

“Especially with your irrational fear of squirrels,” I say with a grin. “It’s one of your more endearing qualities.”

Eliza’s cheeks flush pink as she ducks her head to hide her smile. But I reach out and tip her chin up.

“You’re really something else, Ms. Parker. You know that?” I murmur.

“So are you, Mr. Donovan,” she returns softly.

These past few days with Eliza have been the highlight of my year. No meetings, no emails, no stress - just the two of us tucked away in our own little world.

When we arrive at the cabin, I get to work whisking eggs for our Friday breakfast. Beside me, Eliza chops vegetables, and our movements flow in tandem as we prepare the meal.

When we sit down to eat, the table is laden with fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and toasted English muffins. I glance at Eliza, struck by a rush of affection as she enthusiastically digs into her food. She catches me looking and pauses midbite, cheeks coloring.

“What?” she asks. “Do I have egg on my face or something?”

I shake my head slightly, the hint of a grin playing on my lips. “I was just thinking... I want more days like this, even when we get back to Cooper Hills.”

Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Without breaking eye contact, I reach into my pocket and slide a key across the table toward her. The glint of metal catches her eye, and she looks down at it in surprise.

“I mean,” I begin, holding her gaze, “I want you to move in with me.”

Her eyes widen and she looks taken aback, but there’s something else too—an interest that tells me she’s seriously considering it.

“We can take it slow,” I assure her quickly, seeing the hesitation flicker across her face. “You can start by moving in a few things. But I want you in my bed every night from now on.”

For a moment, she’s silent, staring back at me. Then she slowly reaches out to pick up the key, a shy smile growing on her lips as she tucks the key into her pocket.

“Okay,” she whispers softly, sealing our new arrangement with that single word.

As Eliza washes the dishes, humming softly under her breath, I finish clearing the table. Her obvious contentment makes me smile, glad to provide a reprieve from her usual worries. But I notice a flicker of uncertainty in her gaze when she thinks I’m not looking, a hint of shadows dimming her bright eyes.

Drying my hands on a towel, I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She jumps, startled, then relaxes into my embrace with a sigh.

“What’s bothering you?” I ask, lips brushing the curve of her neck.

“Nothing,” she says too quickly. I tighten my hold in silent encouragement, waiting for her to continue. It’s a tactic that never fails.

Finally, she admits, “I was just thinking about what happens next. After this weekend, I mean. We have to go back to Fit Mountain, back to real life. And with our families...” She trails off, eyebrows drawing together.

I turn her around to face me, cupping her cheeks in my hands. “You’re mine, Eliza Parker, and I’m not letting anything come between us. Not our families, not some silly feud that should have ended years ago. We’ll figure it out together.”

“But my family?—”

“Can say whatever they want,” I interrupt firmly. “It won’t change how I feel about you. We’ll handle them, just like we’re going to handle everything else. Together.”

Eliza searches my face, looking for any hint of doubt or insincerity. Finding none, her expression softens into a smile that makes my heart stutter. “Together,” she echoes, covering my hands with her own.

I pull Eliza onto my lap, hands sliding under her dress to grip her hips. She gasps as I grind into her, already hard and aching for another taste.
