Page 90 of Retribution

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I hold myself still, luxuriating in the tight warmth of her body. Pulling back on her arm restraints, I force her chest to lift off the desk. Leaning forward, I run my tongue up her spine, gathering the little dots of sweat that have gathered there.

She pushes back against me, shivering at the contact of my tongue on her skin and my cock inside her.

I could stay just like this for a long time, but I need to move. I've waited so long and had so many doubts about whether I'd ever feel her like this. Connected. Emotionally. Physically. I pull out of her slowly.

“Mine,” I grunt out, snapping my hips back against her. A tiny whimper escapes.

Pulling out a little further, I thrust forward again. Each time I pull out, I do it slowly, pulling out the tiniest bit more. Then I surge forward, thrusting my cock deep inside her. Each time my pelvis meets her ass, I punctuate it with a word.

“You are mine. Ours. No one else will ever have you or take you from us. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” she whimpers.

It's not enough. “Do. You. Hear. Me?”


“Tell me who you belong to, sweet girl.”

“You! I belong to you!”

“And who else? Say our names, Six. I want them to hear you screaming all our names and wishing they had thought to lure you into a room and lock the door.” I chuckle to myself, knowing they'd wake up and look for me. If they haven't already, they'll know how to find me.

Keeping the same slow pace, I thrust harder, forcing each name on a breath of air.


Pull out. Thrust.


Pull out. Thrust.


Pull out. Thrust.


Pull out. Thrust.


Increasing the pace when I hear my name, I demand it again. “Again, Six. Say my name while you clench on my cock and come for me.”


With all the strength I have left in my body, I drive into her, pulling back on her arms. Six keeps repeating my name, each thrust forcing the air from her body. The desk is shifting, scraping against the linoleum floor.

“Bennet…Bennet!” She cries my name, the cries getting higher until she screams.

Those tight walls clamp down around me like nothing I've ever felt before. My imagination could never come close to the real thing, the rippling of her muscles pulling my orgasm out of me with a force I didn't see coming.

“Oh fuuuuuccckkkk Six.”

Dropping her arms, I grab her hips in both hands, pulling them back to meet my thrusts as I empty myself deep into her belly. Her chest and face fall against the desk as her feet are lifted off the ground and I drive her into the heavy desk. She shudders against me and I still, my cock still pulsing inside her fluttering tunnel.

When I finally stop shooting cum, I fall back into the desk chair, physically spent. Admittedly, I've probably overdone it. Dizziness overwhelms me and I have to lean forward to rest my head against her ass. She doesn't seem to mind and I cover up my vertigo by squeezing and kissing the roundness of her ass.
