Page 89 of Retribution

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I can't even bear to waste time teasing, diving into her center, tongue parting her folds. The sweet tang of her is intoxicating, driving me to lightheadedness because I don't want to breathe. If it wouldn't mean having to leave her again, I'd happily die here.

I lick and suck and kiss her until she is writhing, her juices and my saliva forming a little pool and dripping off the edge of the desk.

Her hips are rocking and she tries to squeeze her thighs together. Pulling back, I wait until she looks down at me, confused, before making hard eye contact while I pull two chairs closer to the desk, on either side of her legs.

Roughly pulling her legs apart, I place a foot in each chair, holding her knees apart.


Not waiting for a response, I pull her hips closer to the edge and kneel again, returning my focus to her delicious pussy.

“So sweet,” I groan, and resume licking and sucking her, alternating between dipping my tongue inside her and flicking her clit until she is squirming again.

She doesn't move or squeeze my head this time, I note with satisfaction, and decide to reward her. Using my fingers, I spread the folds of her hood apart so I can best access the tiny pleasure nub. Pulling her clit between my lips, I suck rhythmically. When her body tenses and I know she's close, I insert two fingers into her tight walls, pumping with the rhythm of my assault on her clit.

Her walls squeeze my fingers as she comes, her head thrown back, crying out.

“Ahhhh….” Her cries are breathy, but it's not enough. I want to taste my name on her tongue.

Keeping her legs spread wide the way I instructed, she rolls her hips forward slightly, rubbing her sex into my face. She mewls as I draw out her orgasm, forcing my arms under her thighs and moving her legs to wrap around my shoulders. I pull her harder against my face, sucking harder and flicking my tongue until she cries my name on the next climax. The juices of her release pour out of her and over my lips, dripping off my chin.

Letting her catch her breath, I release her, looking around for something I can use. Packing tape is all I can find, but it'll have to do.


Obediently and without hesitation, she holds her hands out in front of her, her chest rising rapidly, panting. In a swift movement, I pull one wrist, making her stand and spin around before taping her wrists together behind her back. As I wrap the tape around her wrists in a figure-8 so there's a handle between them, I lick my lips at the sight of wetness dripping down the insides of her thighs.

“The next time you come, it'll be on my cock.”

I hear a sharp intake of breath and a suppressed groan when I tug on her restraints, testing them.

Leading her around the desk, I remove my clothes, pressing my erection against her hip, letting her feel what she does to me. Her hips twitch, pushing her ass back into me, teasing, asking.

“You want my cock, sweet thing?”

“Yes,” she whimpers.

Brushing her hair over one shoulder, my lips at the nape of her neck, I murmur, “You have been a good girl, Six, and I'm dying to bury myself inside you. I'm going to fuck you until you're milking my cock with your tight pussy. Do you understand?”

She moans in response, her panting increasing. I'll teach her manners next time. I need to be inside her now.

Pushing her chest down over the desk, I kick her legs apart. Holding onto her arms bound behind her, I spend some time massaging the enticing new curves of her ass.

I'm distracted by the way she's filled out, the way her ass cheeks look and feel as I squeeze them in my hands. “You've still been drinking the shakes?” I ask, mostly just out of curiosity.

“Every day, just like you told me to.” She must know how much her obedience delights me. Chest against the desk, she lifts her head to look over her shoulder.

“Good girl,” I murmur, still distracted. She lays her cheek on the table and groans.

Ooh, she likes that.

Swiping my fingers down the crack of her ass, I cup her sex from behind. It's still dripping wet and radiating heat.

“Mmmm, so hot and wet. Are you ready to take me, baby?”

“Yes. Please,” she whines, wriggling her ass against my erection.

Holding the handle of her arm restraint, I use my other hand to run the head of my cock between her sopping pussy lips. Gathering the wetness, I cover my cock in it, lubing myself up with her natural wetness before lining myself up. Slowly, I push my hard length into her heat. I revel in every inch, watching myself sink inside her until I'm flush against her body.
