Page 91 of Retribution

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“…a very, very good girl,” I say, my voice muffled in the meat of her ass.

Once I can handle sitting up again, I help Six up off the desk and pull her into my lap. Finding a pair of scissors in a drawer, I release her hands and peel the tape from her skin. I kiss the skin where it's red and chafed. Six grabs my face with her hands and presses her mouth to mine. She kisses me so hard and passionately that I feel my cock stir again, but I'm honestly not sure I could handle any more intense activity without passing out.

A knock at the door helps me divert her attention so I don't have to worry her. Quickly pulling on our clothes, Six opens the door and lets the other guys in.

“That was really fucked up…but also really hot,” Micah says, swatting at Six's ass as they walk in. I don't miss how her ass jiggles slightly when he smacks it.

I've never been more obsessed with a body part than I am now.

Jackson notices me staring and decides to fuck with me, leaning forward conspiratorially, but whispering loud enough that everyone filing into the office can definitely hear him.

“You should feel her ass from the inside. It's so fucking tight and exactly enough to hold on to. It's just…unh,” he says with a chef's kiss gesture.

Rolling my eyes, I try to pretend to be annoyed and unaffected, but I actually can't. All the blood rushes from my head, my erection raging all over again, straining my grey sweatpants. Groaning, I lean forward and rest my forehead in my hands.

“Jury is still out on whether I live through this,” I joke sardonically.

Luis laughs knowingly. “She did a good job keeping up with those protein shakes, didn't she, brother? I'd say she was a pretty…good girl, wouldn't you?”

“You're literally killing me right now.”

“Nah, you'll live,” says Micah.

Lukas chimes in as well. “It never gets better, by the way. Once you've gotten a taste, it's like some kind of drug that you can't stop craving…”

“Imagine being addicted to five different drugs at the same time. I'm surprised I can walk straight most days.”

“Especially after Luis gets to you,” Jackson jokes, lunging away from the brother in question. “What?! I'm just saying…it's like a fucking farm animal. Where do you even keep it when it's not being used?”

Luis takes long steps, a dangerous grin on his face as he tries to chase Jackson around the desk.

Six suppresses a giggle. “Awww…you leave Luis' monster cock alone.”

The laughter that explodes out of everyone is enough medicine that if I were truly dying, I think it'd heal me. I never thought I'd be back here, with Six and these guys. My actual brothers and my chosen brothers.

My family.

In the interest of not taking my family for granted, I know we need to get to work. Clearly, I'm still going to have to be the one to reel these children in.

Not that I mind.


Once we all settle down enough, we pull in chairs so we can get to work. As soon as everyone sits down, though, Jackson stands back up and walks across the room.

“We need some air in here,” he says, opening a window. “The smell in here is going to give everyone boners and we won't get anything done.”

Shaking his head, Bennet tries to hide a grin as he lays out the plan he's come up with to deal with Dr. Franks.

Halfway through his plan and I'm pretty sure my jaw is on the ground. How was it we made it this long without him? I'm just about positive that if it had been someone else trapped at BioCere and not Bennet, he would have been able to come up with a much more successful plan.

This dude is a genius. And he has the resources to back up his ideas and make them happen. I'm in genuine awe of him, and the trust he wants to put in me to execute his strategy fills with me with pride and terror in equal measure.

“I'm still a little unsure about the potential for exposure, but I think it's…a way better plan than I had come up with,” admits Luis.

Lukas snorts. “Your plan was probably to club him over the head and drag him into a cave.”

Shrugging, Luis laughs. “You're not far off, actually.”
