Page 17 of Retribution

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I go to her, but I start from the bottom, kissing my way from her foot, up the inside of her thigh, to her center. My tongue runs languidly up from the bottom of her slit to the top, flicking lightly over the sensitive nub. I lap at her like a dog drinking water, savoring the sweet tangy flavor as she rakes her fingers through my hair.

Inserting a finger, I slide it in and out, soaking it and spreading the wetness down. She gasps when my fingers touch her ass, her cheeks tightening at first, but then relaxing as I massage over her puckered hole. Edging the tip of my finger inside, barely penetrating, her body clenches.

She rocks against my face, my mouth closing around her clit, sucking and flicking my tongue intermittently until her thighs tighten and she inhales shakily. Her hand tightens in my hair, grinding against my face as she cries out my name.

Not waiting for her orgasm to pass, I climb up her body to settle between her thighs. My hands run up her arms, folding my fingers through hers as I slowly slide my length inside her. I groan as the small flutters of her inner muscles massage every inch of my cock in a way I never imagined.

Being inside Six is different from being inside Micah, but it is intensely satisfying in much the same way. It's more than physical. Giving them pleasure, even in little nonsexual ways, is my greatest happiness in this life. Admittedly, being buried to the hilt in any of their tight holes is my favorite.

My hips roll, thrusting into her soft body in long, slow strokes. My hand caresses down her body to grip her thigh, lifting it higher. Six moans at the new angle, so I push it a little farther and hook my arm under her knee. My pace stays slow and steady, stroking into her so that she feels every inch as I pull almost entirely out of her and then sink back to the hilt. Every time my body sinks into hers, my hips roll slightly upwards and her eyes roll back.

Holding onto her leg, I roll us over so that she is on top. She gasps at the change in position, taking a moment to acclimate.

“It feels like you're in my stomach,” she moans.

She moves tentatively, adjusting her stride until she is leaning forward with her hands on my chest, lifting her body and then sliding back down until she is fully seated again. Her movements become quicker and more fluid, until she is rocking up and down, her perky breasts pushed up between her arms.

Eyes closed, mouth parted, she moans as she rides me. She is completely lost in it, almost missing when Jackson pokes his head in the door.

“Hey, I was just checking—Oh shit, I'm sorry.”

Six startles and stops moving, but doesn't get off me or try to hide herself. In fact, she looks a bit excited to have been caught, her cheeks flushed and eyes wide with an almost mischievous gleam. He moves to close the door, but I wave him in. As much as I love having the alone time with her, I have a feeling that Jackson might make our activities even more…diverting.

He closes the door behind him, walking close to the bed.

“Are you sure? Because I can give you some space—”

Six starts rolling her hips again, her body moving like she's riding a bull. Jackson lets out a breath.

“Jesus.” Is all he can say.

Changing her pace , Six looks directly at him over her shoulder as she once again bends forward, using her thighs to lift off my long cock, and then lower slowly back down. She does this a few times until her breaths are quick and heavy.

“Putting on a show, are we? I think Jackson enjoys watching you slide up and down my cock. Do you like it when we watch you?”

“MmmHmm,” she moans.

“The day you rode Luis in the bathtub, I was watching you. I've never been so hard in my entire life. Thankfully Micah was all worked up too, because I had some pent up energy to release.”

Six's eyes are closed, little gasps and mewls falling from her lips. Jackson is still standing in the same spot, enthralled by the show she is putting on for him.

“How would you feel about Jackson coming over to play?”

“God, yes,” she pants as she sits up, grinding against me.

Jackson doesn't waste time undressing, knowing this isn't about him or even about me. He climbs right up on the bed so that he's directly behind her, kneeling between my knees. He starts by bringing both of his hands around her body to cup her breasts, rolling and pinching her already hardened nipples. Six leans her head back on his shoulder and sighs.

Jackson's hands travel down, one settling on her hip while the other dives to her sex, his fingers circling her clit as she grinds down on me. I can feel her inner walls flutter again, right as Jackson removes his hand and gently nudges Six forward against my chest.

“Ride him like you were before,” he whispers.

Six obeys, placing her hands on my chest and rising up on my cock. Just as she is sinking down again, she gasps, momentarily shocked, before a husky moan escapes her throat. I have to tilt my head to see what's happening.

Jackson has his face firmly planted between her ass cheeks. I feel his tongue dip all the way down to where my cock is thrusting in and out of Six's dripping pussy and I nearly lose it right there. He comes up for air, and…

Did he just…spit?

Six's eyebrows shoot up, her face flushed and eyes wide at the sound of Jackson spitting. She gives me a look of disbelief, letting out a heavy pant. But then Jackson inserts a finger into her ass and she moans loudly.
