Page 18 of Retribution

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She freezes, her walls pulsing around me. I grab her thighs, helping guide her body until she resumes, riding me in a frenzy with Jackson pumping his finger inside her. Our pace increases, her pussy intermittently squeezing my cock, and I can feel myself getting close.

“Fuck, I'm going to come,” I pant.

“Shit, me too,” Jackson groans and releases his zipper.

Clamping down around me so hard that I can barely move inside her, Six cries out loudly. My spine is tingling. Holding onto her hips, I thrust up into her, moments from coming, when an unfamiliar hand squeezes my balls.

“Jesus!” I shout out my orgasm, the dual sensations of Six's tight muscles and Jackson's hand hitting me so hard, light explodes behind my eyelids.

Behind her, Jackson grunts, eliciting a gasp from Six.

Six collapses on top of me, my cock still pulsing inside her. As my orgasm induced dizziness recedes, I gather her in my arms, my hand landing in the sticky wetness on her back.

Jackson is sitting back on his knees, breathing heavily, with his dick hanging out of his jeans. When he notices my gaze, he winks.

“Well, I guess I need another shower, unless Jackson's kinky ass is going to come over here and lick me clean,” says Six, her body still limp against mine.

“Don't tempt me, darlin',” Jackson growls. “I made most of the mess anyway, but I'd also happily clean every drop of Lukas' cum from your swollen pussy.”

I'll be damned if my cock doesn't twitch a little. Six groans. Surely he's joking.

Whether he noticed my expression of disbelief or he was just really into the idea, Jackson crawls up the bed. His hand slowly caresses over Six's ass before he maneuvers her to roll over so she lays next to me.

In one smooth, slow movement, Jackson laves his tongue up the inside of her thigh and up over her lips. Lifting his head, he makes a show out of tasting the cum he lapped from her body.

“Mmm, not bad,” he says before diving in deep to lick and suck her clean.


My eyes try feebly to adjust to blinding light as I am jerked awake by the cell door slamming open. Mouth dry and head pounding, I do my best to get my bearings and focus on the intruder.

In the doorway stands my father, tension radiating off his body as he glares down at me. Not wanting to be in any position of weakness with him around, I sit up, holding back a wince as pain shoots through my body.

This man, who calls himself my father, spent hours torturing me until I finally blacked out after being stabbed in the neck with a cattle prod. My entire body is throbbing. The stench of dried sweat and blood sticks to me. None of it was as bad as listening to Six scream. Even once I figured out that the screams were recordings, the sounds of her pain and torment leached into my brain and will haunt me forever.

But those sounds also helped, in a way. They helped to steel my resolve and remember why I'm here. Because no matter how much torture they put me through, I will never turn her back over to them. I'll suffer here for the rest of my life, however long that may be. She will never, ever, be put in the position to make those sounds again.

The monster standing in the doorway is yelling something at me, but my brain hasn't caught up yet and his voice sounds like a Charlie Brown cartoon through a tunnel. As the fog clears, a specimen cup hits my knee and rolls along the floor.

Shaking myself out of my stupor, I try to focus on the cup and what my father is saying.

“What…what is this for?”

“Fill it up, Romeo.”

He wants me to pee in the cup?

“Let me know if you need a magazine, or I can play the recordings of your girlfriend screaming again. That usually gets me pretty hard.”

Excuse me? Heat engulfs my body as rage flows through me, overshadowing any ache or pain. It isn't pee he wants me to fill the cup with.

“You want me to…”

He taps the cattle prod against his leg. “Do I need to repeat myself?”

This is not happening.

My father seems to notice my reluctance.
