Page 16 of Retribution

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My hand caresses her face as I look into her eyes, hoping that I can convey my thoughts and feelings appropriately.

“Six…I’m so sorry. I acted like a real asshole in the beginning, trying to deny how I felt because I was worried it wasn't real, the only holdout of the group. I struggled with my brain and my heart not matching up, because I tend to seek objective explanations for everything. But you helped me realize it doesn't matter.”

Her eyes fill with tears, and she tries to look away from me.

“I'll be honest, there is a big part of me that is very satisfied to have an explanation, or at least a working theory. But I still maintain it doesn't change the way I feel about you, Six. That is very real.”

A tear escapes as she absorbs what I'm saying, but rejects it with a shake of her head. She scrunches her brows together, arms wrapped around her body.

“I'm a genetic experiment, Lukas. I'm not real. I shouldn't exist.”

“Well then, that's one thing we have to be thankful for, one good thing that they gave us. Because whether or not you think you shouldn’t exist, I'm fucking glad you do. You make everything better, Six. You're perfect.”

I look into her wide eyes, dropping my gaze to her lips, and then her body.

“You look real to me.”

My hand caresses over the curve of her hip and grasps her waist, pulling her slightly closer to my body.

“And you feel real to me.”

My nose runs along the side of her jaw, hovering over her mouth. Her lips part slightly to let in a deep breath, and I take advantage, running my tongue along the inside of her lips.

“You smell and taste real.”

Her chin tips up and her lips meet mine. I kiss her slowly, deeply, until a tiny moan escapes.

“Hmm, that sounded real to me,” I whisper.

Lifting her hand and placing it against my chest, letting her feel the erratic beating of my heart. “This is real.”

I place my hand on her chest just above her breast, her heart pounding against my hand.

“Real,” I say again.

Lifting her head to meet my lips again, she holds my hand over her heart, slowly moving it down onto her breast. My hand cups her breast, running my thumb over the hardened nipple that pokes through her thin shirt.

“Definitely real,” I smirk against her mouth.

Six presses her body closer to mine, wrapping one leg around my hips. I kiss her slowly. Deeply. Pouring all of my sorrow, affection, and resolve into every movement of my lips. A sigh parts her lips, my tongue gaining entry and dipping into her mouth. I lick her tongue the way I licked her pussy back at the estate.

My arousal has become embarrassingly apparent, my erection trying to escape through the fly of my sleep pants. I roll my hips away from her, not wanting her to think I expect anything. Not only is she going through a lot right now, mentally and emotionally, but her body has been through a lot. With five of us pining after her all the time, she's got to be tired. Even if she could physically keep up with us all, she'd never be able to leave or get anything done.

Six makes a frustrated sound and tries to pull me back. The sound coaxes out a chuckle that turns into a groan.

Coming close to her again, my hips against hers, I ask, “Aren't you tired? Or…you know, sore?”

“A little, but I don't mind it. I kind of like it, actually. And when I'm with you all, that's the only time I can stop focusing on all the negative thoughts in my head. I…need you. And I want you.”

It's not for me to decide how she deals with her trauma. I'm glad that she's found a way to help her relieve stress. And obviously I'm willing to help in any way.

She doesn't wait for me to make certain she's sure, instead rolling onto her back and pulling me with her. I cover her body with mine, my knee pushing her legs apart and settling my hips between her thighs. Her legs lock around me, pushing me firmly into her body.

My hips pivot into her, pressing my hard length against her core. She groans and writhes against me, chasing the friction.

Her hands grope at the drawstring of my pants, pushing them off my hips. I sit up to pull them the rest of the way off my legs, taking her shirt over her head at the same time.

I don't have to ask her what she wants this time. She removes her shorts and underwear quickly, laying back with her legs spread, reaching for me.
