Page 78 of Progeny

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Maintaining my bravado, I return his naughty grin and bite my bottom lip.

“Hey Micah, do you want to join me for a run…” Bennet sticks his head in the door and stalls, the rest of his sentence trailing off. “…What’s going on here?”

He walks into the room to stand next to Micah, who has straightened himself up to his full height, his eyes positively twinkling at the trouble I’m in now. Bennet’s eyes rake over my body, his dark green eyes aloof as he assesses the situation.

Maybe a smarter person would be worried about what Bennet is about to say or do. He can be rigid and dismissive, his high standards contributing to his tightly wound asshole demeanor. His attitude in the past few days has had me wavering between compliance and confusion, arousal and rejection.

Chin lifted, I steel myself to push back against whatever surly bullshit or disappointment he throws at me. I stare back at him with defiance in my eyes.

Is it bad that a big part of me wants to watch him snap?

“I’d love to join you for a run later, man, but it seems our little Princess here woke up with a case of the fuck-arounds.”

Bennet raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but probably fighting against the stick up his ass. His gaze snaps back to me and his eyes darken. Tell me I didn’t say that out loud.

“What did you have in mind?” He asks in a low voice, staring me down.

I refuse to look away, returning his challenge head on despite the thundering of my heart.

“Hmmmm…Seems to me she might need to know who’s in charge.” Micah can’t help poking the bear.

“I see…” Bennet slowly stalks around the bed like some kind of predator circling its prey.

My eyes never leave his, both because I’m not about to back down and because I want to keep a close eye on him. I don’t even flinch when part of the sheet I’m holding falls, leaving one of my small breasts exposed. I pretend it doesn’t faze me, lifting an eyebrow when I catch Bennet dropping his gaze.

Before I can react or even know what’s happening, Bennet reaches out and snatches my arm, pulling me towards him. He turns me around, tying my arms behind me, using part of the bed sheet that I am still partially tangled in. He doesn’t tie them very tight, but I can’t decide if he's giving me an out or if it’s because bed sheets don’t make the most secure rope. Either way, I’m not interested in going anywhere.

A thrill of excitement, unpredictability tinged with the tiniest amount of fear, sparks low in my stomach.

He holds me with my back against his chest, arms strained behind me. One hand on my bound hands, he uses the other to wrap around my hair, pulling my head back against his shoulder.

He nuzzles my neck before putting his mouth at my ear, murmuring in a low rumble that shoots shivers down my spine. “And just what are we going to do with you?”

I’m already panting. The position is causing my bare breasts to jut out, my chest rising and falling rapidly. Goosebumps break out over my skin, my nipples puckered and hard.

Micah is watching, his eyes glazed and hungry. Bennet turns me to face him, encouraging him to run his eyes over my body.

Bennet whispers in my ear, barely loud enough for Micah to hear him. “Do you want Micah to touch you?”

With a whimper, I try to nod my head, but Bennet tightens his grip on my hair. “Answer me, Six.”

“Yes!” My voice comes out strained, pathetically weak.

Micah hesitates, watching me as he steps closer. Tentatively, he runs his thumb over my nipple. I let out a small gasp.

Bennet forces my body forward, pushing my breast firmly into Micah’s hand.

“Touch her, Micah.”

The domineering tone of his voice makes me throb, my heartbeat taking up residence between my legs. A drop of warmth runs down my leg.

Using my body to pull himself closer, Micah runs one hand down my back and over the curve of my ass. The other follows the trail of wetness, his fingers lightly brushing my sex. My eyes flutter and I groan.

“I think we need to see more,” declares Bennet.

Swiftly, he releases my hair and tugs the part of the sheet still wrapped around one of my legs. The motion forces me to fall forward onto my stomach, hands still tied behind my back.

Grabbing my hips, he pulls me up so my ass is up in the air, pressed against the considerable erection straining his workout shorts. He flattens his palm against the small of my back, stroking lightly up my spine and pressing down between my shoulder blades, holding me into position.
