Page 79 of Progeny

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Face down on the bed, ass in the air. I am powerless, exposed, slightly mortified… and incredibly turned on.

Bennet keeps pressure on my shoulder blades, moving to kneel on the bed next to me. He adjusts the sheet so I am completely exposed, the air hitting me in all my most intimate places.

“Take a look at that, Micah. Is that not the most amazing thing you have ever seen?”

Jesus fuck I am so fucking wet.

Micah makes a sound of acknowledgement, almost like he’s in awe. Remembering his confession yesterday, it occurs to me he’s probably never seen a woman like this before. I’m not as embarrassed as maybe I should be. I like that he’s looking at me, seeing what I have to offer him.

Bennet lands a hard smack on my ass that I was not expecting. I yelp in surprise, the sting of it fading to pleasurable tingles.

“Look how her skin lights up for us. Perfection.” His approval hits me harder than his commands.

Can they see how hard I’m clenching? He smacks me again, harder this time, and I groan. Wetness pools and drips down my thighs.

Bennet leans down and whispers in my ear again, “Do you like that, baby?” It’s all I can do to whimper my affirmation, but he smacks me again, demanding his answer.


“Do you want us to touch you?”

“Yes! …Please.”


I huff out a breath. He’s really going to make me do this?


Bennet lowers his voice. “Tell us where you want us to touch you, Six.”

My face heats. I want to cry. I need someone to touch me.


I blurt it out, embarrassed but I don’t know how else to say it. “Touch my pussy. God. Please.”

“Mmm, that’s better,” he praises, rubbing my ass where he smacked me. “Micah, would you like to do the honors?”

My heart skips a beat, but my mind backtracks. Would Micah prefer to do this in private? Or maybe with Lukas by his side? Bennet clearly asked for his consent, would Micah say no? I forget my anxiety as soon as he touches me.

Micah’s big, warm hand runs up my inner thigh, bypassing where I need him to touch me. He strokes his hands over my ass, using my hips to pull me against him so I can feel his arousal. His fingers run back up my thigh, finally all the way up to my dripping wet folds. His fingers roam, exploring my wetness. I squirm every time he bypasses putting his fingers inside me, unsure if he is teasing me or hesitating.

Bennet presses me down harder, a clear warning to stay still. Micah’s fingers are still exploring as another hand, Bennet’s I think, run down the crack of my ass, all the way down to sink inside me, lazily pumping in and out.

My eyes roll back into my head when he takes Micah’s hand in his own, showing him how and where to touch me.

“So wet for us. Feel how tight her pussy squeezes your fingers, Micah. Just imagine what it would feel like gripping your cock.”

I almost die listening to Bennet guide Micah. It would honestly be sweet if it wasn’t so damn dirty.

Micah is working one of his thick fingers in and out of my tight pussy when Bennet instructs him to add a second. Micah’s hands are so big they fill me completely, stretching me. But Bennet is there to ease the slight burn, slowly circling my clit while Micah slowly pumps his fingers.

I am panting and moaning, trying to move my hips to fuck myself on their hands. Bennet presses me further into the bed, holding me still, but otherwise ignoring me.

“Turn your fingers so they are straight and hook them down, like you’re beckoning someone over, but upside down in this position.”

Micah follows the instructions and Bennet presses hard against my clit. The bed muffles my cries. I hear Bennet’s voice giving more instructions, but I am so overwhelmed with feeling I can no longer make out his words. I am only aware of the pleasure coursing through my body.
