Page 77 of Progeny

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The moment he sucks my clit hard into his mouth and hooks his fingers, the entire world shatters around me. My orgasm is so intense I can’t even scream, the clenching of my body constricts even my vocal cords.

I lose myself in the moment, shamelessly grinding against his face until I see stars. The all-consuming rush of pleasure lingers as Jackson continues sucking on me, massaging his fingers inside me, coaxing out another wave.

It’s too much. I haven’t caught my breath from the first orgasm, I don’t think I can do this. But Jackson doesn’t relent, holding me down and assaulting my clit with renewed enthusiasm. For a moment I think I might have peed myself, but Jackson laps it all up, sucking and licking every drop of my soul that has leaked out through my vagina.

When the last orgasm releases me from its clutches, I think I might have died. My vision is fuzzy, my body nothing but a mass of jellified nerve endings. Little spasms of electricity still jump over my skin, tiny aftershocks stealing what little brain function I have left.

It’s all I can do to remember how to breathe. My head lolls off to the side, watching as Jackson climbs over my body to lay next to me. He lays on his side, looks me right in my eyes, and slowly licks the runny slickness from his sopping fingers.

What. The. Fuck.

First, the breathing on me, which was super weird but also super weirdly hot. And then this… I’m pretty sure I would die if I came again, but watching him literally eat my cum off his fingers is enough to make me clench.

Once he has sufficiently cleaned himself like some kind of kinky cat, he reaches over and kisses me, dragging his tongue against mine so I can taste myself.

The tang of my juices on his tongue is erotic and heady, and I press closer to him, feeling the hardness between us. His cock, thick and hard, strains against his boxers.

Deciding to take a closer look, I crawl down his body, pulling his shorts off. His cock juts up, tall and proud, a slight curve making it all the more intriguing. I tentatively wrap my hand around the base and squeeze. It gives a little jerk. I caress my hand all over it, feeling the smoothness of the skin, tracing the ridges with my fingertips, experimenting with the way Jackson reacts to different touches.

Without warning, I run the flat of my tongue from the base all the way to the top, flicking over the tip to collect the tiny drop of wetness. I roll the flavor around on my tongue, licking my lips. Jackson sucks in a breath, his hands raking through his hair.

His reaction only spurs me on, wanting him to feel the same tortured oblivion he gave me. I suck the tip into my mouth, rolling my tongue around the head. I like the way it feels on my tongue, smooth like silk over hard granite.

Ready to get down to business, I sit up and arrange myself over him, pulling my hair over my shoulder so Jackson can see me work. I liked watching him as he sniffed and licked and tortured me, I want to repay him in kind.

My mouth engulfs him, slowly working up and down. I take it a little deeper into my throat with each pass, until my nose touches the patch of soft brown curls around the base of his thick cock. My mouth is stretched around him, saliva dripping everywhere as I slowly come back up, lightly dragging my teeth against the underside of his cock.

“God, yes, Six. Fuck.” Jackson murmurs unintelligible words, encouraging me as I bob my head, taking him deep into my throat and out again.

I pick up my pace, slobbering all over his thick, hard cock. Sucking hard, I push him against the back of my throat, my eyes watering.

“Fuck! Six, I’m going to come. I’m going to come.”

He swallowed every drop of my orgasm, and I intend to do the same. I bob on his cock harder and faster, squeezing the base as he starts to pulse. His cum shoots into my mouth, hot and salty. Taking him as far into my throat as I can, I swallow hard. I keep sucking and swallowing until every last drop has been pulled from his body.

When his moans slow down and his cock stops jerking, I climb up his body. Thrusting my tongue into his mouth, I mingle our tastes together before collapsing next to him. I fall into the deepest, most dreamless sleep I think I’ve ever experienced.


The next morning, I wake up naked and tangled in a sheet, but alone. I sit up and see Jackson’s clothes are gone from the floor, so he must have woken up and decided to let me sleep. I’m both grateful and a little disappointed. Laying back in the mess of pillows and tangled sheets, warmth pools between my legs as I remember how Jackson made me orgasm so hard I think I left my body.

I’m just lying there starfishing when someone comes in and startles me. Immediately, I jump up onto my knees and cover myself, or try to, but the sheet is still wrapped around one of my legs.


“Good morning, how did you sl- …wait are you naked?” Micah’s expression flashes from alarmed, to confused, to amused, to heated in the span of moments.

My face immediately heats, despite my willing myself not to blush. I’m a mature adult who makes mature adult decisions and I have nothing to be embarrassed about!

But my blood rebels and leaves my vagina to heat my face instead. Damnit.

I try desperately to play it cool. “Maybe… what’s it to ya?”

He narrows his eyes and steps forward. I raise an eyebrow, clearly taunting him. He leans over the end of the bed, supporting himself on heavily muscled arms so his face is nearly level with mine. He gives me a predatory grin, like he is ready to eat me up and laugh while doing it.

Yes please.
