Page 76 of Progeny

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“I’m not sure,” she says, fully awake now, “it’s all so fuzzy. But I think I thought there was something on my head.” She reaches up to touch the stitched gash on her head.

I rub my hand over the spot too, brushing over the shaved part of her hair. “I like this.” She smiles shyly.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry I woke you. I guess you pulled the short straw, huh?”

“Are you kidding me? Every single one of those guys would have fought me to be in here with you tonight, but I was already holding you, so I got dibs.”

She pushes against my arm, as if saying “yeah right”.

“I’m serious. Watch, there will be arm wrestling for the honor tomorrow. My money’s on Micah, that dude has more muscles than should be allowed.”

Her mouth breaks into a wide grin, and I reach forward to kiss the little spot below her cheek that is almost a dimple. I kiss her nose, her forehead, and her jaw. Finally, I make it to her soft lips, parting them slightly with my tongue.

The kiss is slow and sensual and even softer than I imagined. I pull back to look at her, running my thumb over her bottom lip before tasting it again. Six turns her body to face mine, leaning into the kiss.

Her hands caress my face, tugging on my hair and running her fingers through the slight scruff of my unshaven face. I haven’t shaved since before the hospital, so the scruff is long enough to be soft instead of prickly. Feeling her nails softly raking through it sends little tingles down the back of my neck.

Sitting up straighter, I pull her against me, parting her knees so she straddles my lap. I lean into her neck and gently kiss and nip from her collar bone to her ear. Burying my face in her hair and breathing deeply, I inhale the floral scent of her shampoo. I love the smell of her, the sound of her soft gasp as I gently press my teeth into the corded muscle on her neck, then lick and kiss down her neck. She squirms in my lap as my lips and tongue lave over her collarbone and across her chest, stretching the neck of her t-shirt to reach more skin.

Six grabs the bottom of the offensive garment and pulls it over her head, her hair falling lightly over her shoulder. Covered only by a thin pair of black cotton panties, her eyes and skin are glowing in the soft moonlight. I lean back to admire the sight of her.

In the dim light, none of her remaining bruises are visible. Her body has started to fill in, ribs replaced by softer curves. The muscles in her abdomen clench at my slow perusal of her body.

I lightly brush my hands up her thighs to her hips, over her stomach, and across her ribs to cup her breasts, savoring the softness of her skin. She presses into my palms, sucking in a breath when I roll her nipples between my fingers.

Closing the distance between our bodies, her hands push against my chest. I lay back against the pillows. Her hair trails over my body, lightly tickling my skin as she presses wet kisses across my shoulder, neck, and chest. Reaching over to my pec, she lightly flicks her tongue against my nipple, sending a little shock through my body.

I gently grab her head and guide her back to my mouth, kissing her deeply. My tongue dips in, caressing her own, twisting them together. Her hips roll, gently grinding into my barely covered erection.

There are two thin strips of cotton between us, but I fear it isn’t enough to keep her safe from me. Or to keep me safe from her, however one wants to look at this.

Her body rolls against mine as she sits up, pushing her hands against my chest and arching her back.

“Gods, you’re perfect.” I whisper in awe. Sitting up, I hug her body against mine, rolling her onto her back and covering her body with mine.

This time it’s my turn to roll my hips into her, grinding and pressing into her center, making her arch and squirm. Her body is so pliant and responsive. I swipe the back of my fingers against her panties and feel how soaked she is.

I can’t stand it anymore. I do exactly what I’ve been wanting to do since this morning, pushing myself low on the bed, I press my face right into her damp panties. Inhaling in one long, deep breath, I groan at her scent filling my lungs. Exhaling with my mouth pressed above her clit, I blow warm air against her core. She pushes up to her elbows and watches me, as I breathe her in and out, high on the smell of her arousal. Her eyes are wide but glazed, her mouth parted, and she shivers hard against my next exhale.

Bringing one hand up to her stomach, I tease the band of her panties from hip to hip, around to the back of her ass. My hand trails around her thigh and up the wet center of her panties. Slipping a finger behind the fabric, I run my finger back and forth, hovering, teasing. When she acclimates to the barely-there touch over her vulva, I bend my knuckle and run it through her slickness. She watches as I lick my finger, falling back onto the pillows with a moan.

Pushing the fabric of her panties to the side, I stare at her beautiful, wet folds, slowly running my thumb up and down and up again, finally circling her clit. The moment my thumb rolls over the sensitive bud, her body spasms, bucking into my face.

Savoring every last second, I slowly lower my head and full-out lick her from bottom to top. I lick my lips, reveling in the sharp, sweet taste of her. Delicious.

Again, but this time I run my tongue over her clit, another little jerk of her hips grinding into my face. Again and again, I slowly torture her until she is gripping the bedsheets for leverage, trying to lift her hips to meet my mouth.

Sliding the soaked panties off her body, I return to my new favorite place to be and stop teasing her. I give in to her silent demands, locking my mouth around her clit. I flick my tongue relentlessly until she writhes beneath me, gripping my hair and moaning quietly.

Slowing, circling her clit with the flat of my tongue and gently sucking intermittently, I slide a finger into her slick heat. She moans again, louder this time, and for a moment I worry she’ll wake the others. Then again, maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing. We all agreed to take it slow, but no one expects to be able to resist her charms forever. Having them watch as I slowly torture a soul-crushing orgasm out of her? Fuck yes.

I add another finger, her tight passage clenching tight at the intrusion. My cock jerks in response. I’m so turned on I could blow at any moment without so much as a touch. Her body is shaking, begging for release.

My tongue resumes its relentless assault as I pump in and out of her with my fingers. Her hips start rocking in earnest, she’s close to tipping over the edge. Bending my fingers inside her, I press into the sensitive wall behind her pelvic bone as I double down on her clit, sucking and flicking hard and fast.

Her walls clamp down around my fingers, pulsing rhythmically. She lets out a choked sob as her body arches off the bed, her hands holding my face against her, riding my face as she comes. I lap up every drop she gives me, but I’m thirsty and determined to tongue fuck her until she squirts.
