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“Dead. Well, I’m assuming he’s dead. No one has heard from him for a few months. For a little while, it was thought he was working with someone to weed out the bad in the world. My opinion, I think he just liked the money he was paid. I guess it came back on him.”

“How would anyone know if he is dead?”

“They wouldn’t for sure, yet…”


“Well, I’m interviewing a doctor next week for a position in the west wing. Mercer Novaletti. Did a little digging. A lot of deep, deep digging.”


“Doctor/art dealer/potential trafficker murderer. Quite the resume.”

“Well, don’t hold that against him if he’s the right person for the job. Am I done here?”

“Just the drops for your ear. I have a replacement hearing aid on the way for you. It’ll be delivered in a few days.

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

“You’re welcome, as always. I appreciate the friendship.”

I smiled, not sure what to say because I had never really had friends. But I accepted Rodregez for what he was—a man who had been hypnotized by the devil. He’d done shitty things in the past. He’d also done great things here at Beyond Heaven, and he’d do more in the future. I guess my acceptance came from that and from the fact that I wasn’t a fucking hypocrite.

I turned over in the bed, more than ready for the ringing to stop, and that’s when a tapping came that stopped Rodregez from proceeding.

I didn’t hear the rat-a-tap-tap on the door, but I saw the Doc’s lips move when he told them to come in.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Rodregez. I was told Mr. Cole is here?”

“On the bed? Is there a problem?”

“His friend has woken up.”

I was off the bed and out the door before another word could be said.

My ears could wait.

I didn’t need them right now, seeing as my friend had no fucking tongue.


I stepped inside her room, and it was a pitiful sight before me.

There she was, her white face blending into the pillow she lay on. A patch covered her missing eye. Her fingers twitched at her side, the thick restraints causing stress on her already injured wrists.

“Get her out of that.” I pointed to her wrists and the padded cuffs around them.

“She needs restraining.” The woman on the chair didn’t want to move her skinny ass to do what she was paid to. Care about the fucking people here.

She wasn’t the same woman as last night. She was older and gave all of two fucks about who I was, and I didn’t just mean that in a smug, I’m a rockstar kind of way. I was a cofounder of this place.

“And she is inside a padded fucking room, where you’ll be watching her every move until your shift is over.”

The woman’s face dropped. “Your attitude, young man. I could have you removed. She isn’t even allowed visitors.”

“That rule doesn’t apply to me.” I stepped closer, working on the restraints. “I got these, don’t worry. I wouldn’t want you to have to stretch those legs.”
