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“I am calling for security,” the miserable broad snapped.

And fuck me, she finally moved.

“Go for it. You’ll be ignored.”

And so was I ignored.

I freed my friend’s hand, one then the other, and then I did the same with her tiny little feet. She peeled her toes back like the broken nails were something to be ashamed of.

“How are you feeling?” I brushed her hair from her face.

“Are you mad?” she mouthed silently. “I don’t want to be punished.”

It was a little harder to understand how her mouth worked. The missing tongue and teeth had an impact. But I took my time, holding on to all my shredded patience when it came to her.

“You’ll never be punished here, babe.” I kissed her forehead, and she only wiggled slightly when my stubble poked her face. “I’m not mad. I understand your need to escape. But we had a deal, darling, and did they tell you?”

“She doesn’t talk to me,” she moved her lips again.

I looked over my shoulder to the woman, annoyed with the person she was moaning on the phone to.

“I don’t think she’s a good fit, but don’t worry, you’ve got a different nurse tonight.” I graced her with a gentle smile. “Wanna know a secret? This one won’t be coming back tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“The staff here are meant to help with your healing. Cold and aloof personalities will not do that.”

The nurse slammed down the phone and walked back over. “Apparently, you’re allowed to stay.”

“Yes, because I own this fucking building.”

She was about to plop her ass back down when I continued with, “And I’d like friendlier people working with such delicate patients. Please, collect your shit and go. You’ll be paid for any remaining shifts you had booked here, but it isn’t necessary for you to work them.”

She got to her feet and rushed out as quickly as I’d rushed in, not even bothering to say goodbye.

My eyes didn’t dwell on the door or the shadow of the very rude woman exiting. I looked back to the bed in time to see lips moving again.

“I didn’t like her.”

“Me, neither,” I claimed the nurse’s chair as my own and dragged it closer to the bed.

“So, my other secret, Ms. Sutter.”

She smiled, and then her eyes shed a tear. “My dad would call my mom Mrs. Sutter.” She looked away, focusing on nothing but the white in this room because there was nothing else to focus on. She turned back to me and mouthed, “I miss them.”

“Do you want some good news?”

“I think I need it.”

She did. My friend here had taken a while to become that. Three weeks ago, her trust in me was minimal, and rightfully so. Like Cat, she was a girl from my shows. Her life changed forever because of it.

Unlike Cat, she didn’t want to survive. She didn’t fight for that. She fought against it and me every time I tried to encourage a desire to live. Maybe that was where the rebellious suicide attempts came from.

But the fact that I’d been here throughout, visiting her almost daily. She’d grown to accept me, this version of me, at least. And finally, she felt like she had a friend in the world.

“Tell me.”

“I righted a wrong.”
