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“Do you not want that egg?” Dec spoke so irritatingly slowly that it was hard to understand his lip movements. But his eyes were fixed on the egg I’d stopped whisking.

“I’ll trade you for that avocado.”

He said nothing, but the fruit flew through the air at lightning speed. My hand caught it before it smashed my nose, and I continued prepping what I hoped would be a decent breakfast.

“I need a lemon.”

Dec left the semi-scrambled egg to collect a lemon from the fridge. It was the next thing to fly at me.

I cut the avocado in half, removing the stone and scooping out the flesh. Using a fork, I mashed it in a bowl with a drizzle of lemon, adding some chili flakes, salt, and black pepper.

The toaster popped, and I caught both slices of bread as they jumped into the air.

Dec stepped up to me, close enough for us to communicate.

“Are you making Woodrow breakfast? He’s just gone for a walk down through the trees with Jolie.”

“It’s not for Woodrow.”

“You? Since when do you eat that shit?”

Shit? He was literally just about to eat it himself.

“It’s not for me, either. I have a guest.”

Dec laughed. “Oh, really! Finally upgraded from your hand, huh?”

His hand patted me on the back. I gave him a sideward glance that warned him to step the fuck away. The fact that I hadn’t been able to come in more than twenty-four hours added another layer to my agitation.

“It’s about damn time.”

“It isn’t like that,” Ollie invaded our conversation. “Remi has an old friend staying with him. That’s all they are. They are not sleeping together. She found herself in an awful situation, and he just wants to help her.”

“Ollie,” Dec started, his blond eyebrows wiggling. “You don’t even believe that bullshit, do you? Remi just wants to help an old friend. Who’s staying in his room. And he doesn’t want to put his dick inside her? Bullshit.” He laughed, holding his stomach when a stitch crept up his side because it was just so funny to him. “Oh, fuck! Is it Sen Chasity?” His hope almost had him jumping on the spot.

Sen Chasity—the woman forced on me in my heyday by both of our PR teams—was Declan’s wet dream.

She was the opposite to me, a reason for a soft cock and a truckload of misery.

I confirmed it wasn’t her before leaving the room with Cat’s breakfast, by saying, “I’d rather stick my dick in the blender.”

My ringing ear picked up tiny pieces of conversation as I drifted down the hall. All I heard was something about me remaining respectful, and I couldn’t even say if it were Ollie saying I would or Dec saying I wouldn’t.

Cat was in my bathroom, fidgeting with my toothbrush, when I stepped inside my room. I left her plate of food on my freshly made bed and sat at the side, appreciating the neatly folded corners.

“Turn it to the left.”

The brush head came loose in her hand, and she attached the new purple one.

“Maybe breakfast would be a good idea first?”

“Probably.” She set the toothbrush down and stepped back into my room. “Have I caused problems?”

I watched her mouth move, and the curving of her lips fucking tortured me.

“I overheard…”

“Ollie. And no, you haven’t caused problems. He’s just stressed because of other shit that was already going on. It’s fine. He’ll apologize to you later. I don’t doubt it.” I patted the bed at my side. “Come and eat your breakfast.”
