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My eyebrows dipped. I’d danced around the details of the truth, but I hadn’t lied to him.

“Well, I can hardly hear a fucking thing.” I dropped back, sucking a deep breath through flared nostrils.

“Don’t fuck with me, Remi!” Ollie’s patience was growing thin. “You just told me you hadn’t broken our deal.”

“The deal was not to sleep with another slave. She’s the same slave.”

“She is fucking out of here. We’ll send her to Beyond Heaven. You have my word she’ll be safe.”

“She stays with me.”

“Absolutely fucking not!”

“It isn’t your decision!”

“Why the fuck would she even want to be anywhere near you?”

“That’s not your concern. She does, and she is.”

“Not happening. This is the one person you lose control around. And now isn’t the time for that. She’ll be safe in Beyond Heaven.”

Words stalled on my tongue, but I pushed them out before the look on my face or the rapidly beating pulse in my throat could give away my anger.

“Listen to you, my control is gone.”

“Many would think it is. You’re killing anything that looks at you wrong.”

“No. I’m only killing people no one will miss.”

“Half of the girls are people no one misses, Remi.”

“And I haven’t hurt one of them. But Cat has been hurt every fucking day for too many fucking days. I made her a promise last night, and I intend to keep it, Ollie, whether it costs me my life or this family. I’m keeping her.”

My gaze challenged him, dared him to tell me I couldn’t when he would do the same thing, if and when he found his girl.

Seconds of silence passed, and when he still didn’t say anything, for or against the situation, I added, “I wouldn’t stand in your way if it turns out Loren is alive.”

He sighed heavily before doing a funny thing with his lips that caused a dimple I’d never seen to pop.

“Best you make her that breakfast.” He sulked away, not leaving the kitchen, just not wanting to stand too close to me.

I waltzed around the kitchen, tossing ingredients into pots and pans like I was some kind of celebrity chef. I cracked an egg, then wondered if it was safe to assume she liked them. She hadn’t eaten anything that looked to be animal-related last night, and she never rushed to eat the meat in anything Cedric fed her years ago, either.

Dec stepped in from outside, rushing through to the open-plan kitchen from the living room. He opened the refrigerator, moaning to Ollie that nothing inside looked appetizing.

Ollie ignored him. All I heard was a buzzing that sounded like his voice, so I ignored him, too.

I placed the egg to the side and dropped some bread in the toaster.

“Hey, is that egg going free?” Dec asked, tossing an avocado into the air. “Remi?”

“Is he not talking to me?” he asked Ollie.

“His hearing aid is broken. He can’t hear you.”

“Oh…,” realization hit Dec in the face. “Remi!”

Beyond the ringing in my ear, I heard him and turned to him. “What?”
