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As always, she didn’t disagree with my requests. She strolled to my side, her legs moving freely and showing no signs of discomfort caused by yesterday’s internal trauma.

She took a bite of the toast, weary of the green mush on top. But her pretty eyes lit up, and her mouth, taking a bigger bite, spoke of how much she liked it. She looked around me, her gaze moving to my door.

“Someone is knocking.”

I hadn’t heard the knuckles rap on the wood.

“Come in,” I shouted, and a second later, Ollie stepped inside. “Not like you to knock.”

“Well, you have a guest.”

His head nodded toward Cat while she took another bite.

“By the way, I am sorry if you overheard our discussion. It’s nothing personal. I hope you understand that I’m just trying to protect Remi, and I wasn’t sure what this reunion would do to him.”

“She has no memory, Ollie. That kind of apology is just confusing to her.”

“She has no memory?”

“She doesn’t remember me or our past. She has no one, just me.”

Ollie’s schooled expression was back on his face.

“I’m sorry to hear that…”

“Catharina,” I reminded Ollie of her name to save him from asking. He probably hadn’t forgotten it, given how much I used to ramble on about her.

“Catharina.” Ollie smiled, and it showed nothing but sincere compassion. “Will you be okay, Catharina, if I borrow Remi for an hour or so?”

“We’re going to get the other girls,” I told her.

“You are?” She placed the toast that was halfway to her mouth back on the plate. “I told you, Roth—”

“We are. We won’t be long. Can I trust you to stay here and look after yourself for a while?”

“Yes.” She nodded, and again, she looked around me. “Will you make sure he comes home?”

“You have my word.”

“I don’t need a babysitter, Cat.” I leaned over, my hand pulling her face close. I kissed her cheek, ignoring the pang of electricity that shot to my cock.

Cat didn’t notice as my hands shifted to my lap to hide my growing erection, but Ollie did, and that was why I peeled myself away and stood.

But I hadn’t even made it three steps when I stopped dead, turning to Ollie to say, “I don’t feel comfortable leaving her.”

Ollie’s smile changed as it landed on me. “I’ve texted Kate from Beyond Heaven. She’s on her way here and is gonna sit with her while we’re gone. Dec is also hanging around because of our other guest.”

“Thank you.” Cat smiled. “I don’t need a babysitter, either, but I think the company will be good.”

“That’s that then. Get yourself ready, Remi.”

Ollie left me to get ready, so I guess that was that then.

Chapter 12


Ollie was yet to talk on the drive, and I was happy to sit in our shared silence until he flicked on the radio, and there I was, the beat drilling into me beyond the ringing.
