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And her trust in me instantly dying.

“You’re living on borrowed fucking time.”

“No. I’m not.”

“One day, one of them will—”

“Ollie, relax. Even the devil couldn’t kill me. And neither could you.” I winked, smiling at him in a playful taunt he didn’t appreciate. He didn’t appreciate my gentle slaps on his cheek, either.

“There are more, too. Girls. At least two of them. I was thinking of grabbing Dec and heading out there, but I didn’t want to leave my little friend alone. Are you home today?”

“Don’t drag Dec into it. He’s tired from yesterday. Woody had an episode. I’ll go with you on the way to The Clinic.”

Ollie always called it The Clinic, too ashamed of what it really was.

“I’m not going there today.”

Ollie’s hands swamped his face, dragging down each feature in the wake of my words.

“You fucking are. If it’s only to answer the call, you’re going! He wants answers as to why you keep killing his employees. I held out for you yesterday. I put myself on the line, lying for you.”

“You lied for me? How sweet.” I walked off, entered the kitchen, and turned to face Ollie with the center island between us.

“I told him you needed medical attention, and luckily, Rodregez went along with it.”

“Told who? Pencil Dick? Is that who is calling? No fucking thanks. And no fucking show.”

“Remi...” Ollie’s hands slammed the work surface in frustration. “Work with me here, for fuck’s sake. You know, so you can fucking live! Please. One call. One show? Done.”

“It won’t be one show, and you know what Alerion said. If I do another show—”

“Alerion is dead.”

“And if Pencil Dick remembers the rule? The only person I ever loved will be, too.”

“Remi…she might not even be alive.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Fuck you.”

“I’m sorry. And I get it, I do.”

“You don’t. Because you’d never agree to something if it put Loren in danger. Loren, who also could be fucking dead. I am not doing that show.”

Yesterday, before seeing Cat, I thought I’d give in to please Ollie. To keep him sane.

Now, no fucking chance.

“You fucking are. If I have to drag you onto the fucking stage and hold you there. You’re fucking doing it. End of discussion.”

I neared the island. My fingers took my weight and pressed down on the shiny surface as I leaned over it. “She’s alive, Ollie. She’s in my room right now, and I’m not putting her life at risk for a fucking gig.”

Ollie’s face fell. If my ears could work, I’d have probably heard it shatter on the fucking work surface.

“Tell me you’re kidding.”

“I’m not.”

“For fuck’s sake! Do you ever hear the lies that roll off your fucking tongue?” he fumed.
