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“She needed me.”

“She’s not the same one as a few weeks back?”

“No. She’s the one at Beyond Heaven.”

“The one who tried to kill herself last night?”

I said nothing verbally.

“God, Remi. We had a fucking deal.”

I had too many deals on the go.

“How many of these women are you creating personal attachments with?”

“Chill. I haven’t broken my agreement.” Yet.

“Really? Because the staff at Beyond Heaven insisted on talking to you and not me. How often does that happen?”

“Not often, Ollie, because I’m always up to my neck in the shit that goes on here.”

“It isn’t that hard, Remi.” Ollie’s voice became a whisper. “It isn’t hard to care for someone you say you care about anyway. To love your family.”

“I do care, and the issue isn’t him being hard to care for.” I kept my voice low, too. “The issue is the time it takes to do that since the cancer shit. But, if low blows are what we’re fucking going for, you wouldn’t know any of that because you’re never fucking here.”

“No, I’m always too busy cleaning up your messes.”

“And what a mighty job you’re doing this time.”

I waited for a slap because, in fairness, I deserved one, but Ollie’s fists stayed trembling at his side, keeping a good distance from my head.

Somehow, his extensive patience—something I didn’t possess—slipped back into place.

“Back to the point. Who is the girl in your room?”

“I took a wrong turn going to the drive-through for coffee and ran into a guy that looked shady.”

“You took a wrong turn going to the coffee shop you visit three times a day. That’s believable, Remi, really believable. Your next lie?”

“Believe what you want, but there was this guy—”

“And you just ran into him?”

“Yeah. The same way you ran into the other little lodger we have.” My eyebrow edged close to my hairline. “I think they came from the same place.”

“I found her less than a mile from the house.”

I nodded.

“Nowhere near the coffee shop, which is another three miles down the road.”

“Whatever. I just needed to be out of the house.”

“On another killing spree?” Ollie was suddenly louder.

I felt the vibrations.

“Keep your voice down,” I drawled, not giving a fuck about the men I’d ended three weeks ago, the one two days ago, or the two that Ollie had no clue about from yesterday. All I cared about was Cat overhearing that I made a habit out of killing people.
