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That I would stay the fuck away from slaves.

He fucking knew. Knew that she was a fucking slave.

“Can I talk to you out in the hallway?”

I diverted my attention from Ollie to Cat, who always managed to steal it.

“You’re safe here. I made a promise to you, remember.” I moved back into my bathroom and spat the froth from my mouth, leaving my toothbrush behind on the basin.

A promise that she would never be hurt once in my care and that we had a new forever.

“Nothing will make me break our promises. You’re good. If you need to use the bathroom, feel free. There’s also a spare toothbrush head in the cabinet if you want to brush your teeth. It’s a nice, girly purple color. I won’t be long, and I’ll make you some breakfast.”

Ollie was at the door, waiting, his arm holding it open for me.

I listened for Cat moving from the bed as the door clicked shut, but the strain on my ears caused pain, and the ringing intensified.

Fine lines appeared at the side of Ollie’s eyes as they squinted at me.

I sighed, leaning back against the wall, my eyes on my door, wishing I could see through it.

“So, she isn’t a hookup then?” I watched his mouth move.

“Rodregez didn’t tell you?”

“He told me he saw you and your ears were having some issues. Speaking of which, where’s your hearing aid?”

“It’s broken. I took it out.” I took it out in the early hours of this morning and popped it in the trash.

“You were there to fix it, were you not?”

“He didn’t have time. He went to The Shithole. I thought you were there?”

“I was. But he didn’t have time to fix your ears first?”

“He was tending to her.”

“Which brings us back to her. She’s trafficked, right?”

I didn’t even have to nod.

“We had a deal, Remi. So, why the fuck do you have a slave in your bed?”

“The guest room was full.”

“Do not try your cocky bullshit with me. How often do we bring those girls home?”

“Rarely, in the past, but it seems to be occurring more these days.”

“I had no choice. The girl I found was literally clinging to me. I am taking her to Beyond Heaven, but I haven’t had the time these last two days.”

“I’m not judging, Ollie.”

“I am. Why is there another here?”

“I’ve kept our deal. I haven’t slept with her.”

That clearly wasn’t a good enough answer because sweat was shining on Ollie’s brow, and words were filling his mouth that he refused to open until he’d put them in order, causing his lips to appear as a thin line.
