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“I didn’t.” One hand moved to my chest, and my protest fell on deaf ears.

He laughed, quickly forgetting about his brother and the apparent pain his loss brought.

“Momma told me lover boy did it, you stupid slut. Daddy always said he’d come. He’ll be very disappointed that he missed it.

“That isn’t my fault.”

“Your loser boyfriend did it for you, and that makes it your fault. Just like yesterday was your fault.”

Yesterday brought me pain. Brought the girls punishments and another reason to rebel against me.

Joseph’s eyes were cold, dark, ruthless, and promising me a painful death when I wasted a second searching for the soul he didn’t have.

I shoved away from the tree, scurrying up the banking.

He aimed his huge gun at me and pulled the trigger. He screamed out when he realized the chamber was empty. “Fuck!”

He grabbed my leg, yanking me back down, the grass staining my knees and thighs green. Each prominent rib caught on something that brought pain. Remi’s hoodie was dirty and ruined, and it barely smelled like him as I tried to inhale anything that wasn’t the sweat on Joseph’s skin.

“Bad girls get punished, remember, Aribella?”

One big hand spread my legs wide. The other wrapped around my wrists and held them behind my head as I tried to push him away from me. He forced an old injury into the rocks on the ground, but I wouldn’t scream for him.

Struggling, I fought to free my hands, but it was useless. He was too heavy with all of his weight on top of me.

“Not feeling it today, Pet?”

I shook my head.

“I thought you’d grown used to the feeling of my cock.” He licked my cheek with a rough tongue, swallowing the tear that rolled down it.

Remi said he’d be here. He said I would never be hurt again. I couldn’t see him anywhere, but his voice in my head and all the false promises he whispered brought some comfort.

“Don’t worry, he’ll still want to fuck you no matter who you let inside you. He always did. Some things never change. That’s the thing about addicts. Nothing matters as long as they get their fix.”

“Fuck you,” I spat, hating him and all his words.

Joseph laughed like a fucking maniac, and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I screamed when he forced his thick cock between my dry pussy lips, burying his entire length in one quick thrust.

I moved my nose to the hoodie, trying again to focus on the nutty smell barely clinging to it. I gulped in the scent, feeling safer somehow because of it—because of Remi. I let his promises of safety continue to replay in my head, and I let my body go numb and my mind disappear somewhere else.

Joseph’s harsh fingers pulled my face back to his mouth, to his dry and crispy lips that opened for his furry tongue to pop out, ready to force its way into my mouth.

I didn’t know what to do.

My senses had left me.

I opened my mouth, and before Joseph could fill it with his tongue, I screamed.

I screamed for someone, for help.

I screamed for Remi.


My body shook with sobs, shuddering on the grass. I turned cold yet sweaty, and I felt at my weakest.

“Get off me!” I screamed once more. “Get off me, please.”
