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She laughed again. Her gummy smile would be the envy of a Hollywood horror movie.

An interruption came in the form of someone screaming, and I knew it was Cat. I knew because I’d caused her to scream that exact same way before.

“He’s gonna kill her.” She chuckled grimly.

A bang sounded in the distance. The gun was loud and brutal, just like the hag’s.

I pushed the old bitch to the ground, collected her gun and the shell she’d dropped. There was only one.

Only one I could kill someone with, and if I wasted the shot on this thing in front of me, I wouldn’t have one for the creep with Cat.

With as much force as I could muscle, I hit the hag in the face with the barrel of the gun.

“I’ll come back for you,” I promised, watching her head spin and her body collapse to an uncomfortable heap on the floor.

My feet rushed off, running through the blood and guts of whatever thing the dogs had savaged.

Woodrow would never wear these shoes again, and if he were a little more violent—a little more like me—he would fucking kill me for ruining them on flayed carcasses.

I followed the sound of Cat’s struggle, of the mouthy man who liked the word slut, and I came to a break in the trees.

Chapter 7


The flesh was ripped from my knees as Joseph—the youngest of the family—dragged me across the dirt road by my hair. My blade swung out and slashed through one of his love handles. He didn’t have the physique of his brother and father. But he weighed just as much.

He screamed out, snatching the blade from my hand. I twisted it, cutting his fingers like his brother had Remi’s.

Joseph’s irritation for me grew, and he jerked the knife from my fingers, tossing it toward his vehicle, where it skidded across the hood, scuffing the paint. He didn’t care, didn’t even look back.

With his now bloody hand, he tossed me down the banking.

I dropped my panda head, crawling forward to claim it back before freezing in place because the barrel of his shotgun put a shadow on my chest, and panic clawed around all the aches I still felt there.

I had to run.

The discomfort in my chest told me I needed to take it slow, but that wasn’t an option because he would catch me.

He would kill me, and then my soul would be trapped here forever. And I’d never know who Remi was or why he came for me.

I could not give up.

I would not give up.

I was so close to the outside world that I could see my freedom, or at least the stretch of road that led to it.

Joseph was quick behind me as I ran, my legs not moving fast enough to lose his giant frame. I darted and weaved, struggled and wheezed, and he wasted another bullet, blowing off a branch of a tree and not my head.

My heart cruelly taunted that it was ready to give up. Another stab of pain made me almost wish that it would just to end the agony I felt.

But I still wanted to live.

Joseph crashed into the tree that I hurried around, using my hands to push off the trunk, which acted like a barrier between us.

“You don’t have to be like them.” I knew I couldn’t change him. He was as evil as Llewrehtom. He’d proved that time and time again, usually to impress their father and his sick and twisted desires. It brought their sibling rivalry to a new level, focusing on us girls. They specifically liked to hurt me the most. As did Daddy Dearest.

“You killed my brother.”
