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“Look, between the trees. A shooting star.”

Her tattooed arm lifted, all bright colors and beautiful. The pink gel on her nail led me to the star, flitting between leaves and bark.

“Make a wish.” I kissed her cheek.

She leaned into my hold, her fingers wrapping around my arm. “You, too.”

From the outside, it looked like I had everything, but I still made a wish.

I wished for time. Time to make things right. Time to make beautiful memories. Time to live, because fuck, she deserved that more than anyone.

Epilogue—Two Weeks Later


“Do you know your ass is on the front cover of three different newspapers today?” Dec asked, slamming all three papers down on the kitchen island.

I sipped coffee from an ugly cup. “Yours is on the side,” I told Ollie as he entered the room. He had a better-looking cup because, despite what he’d admit about himself, he was a fussy fucker.

He took a drink. “Woodrow and Jolie still in bed?”

“They were up late. Didn’t you hear them?”

“Remi, we just assume any sex noises in this house are you and your hand.” Dec laughed.

I stayed silent, aside from the snorting of my coffee.

Ollie’s face twisted, taking in the image of my ass.

I didn’t alert them that the fan who had taken it had actually caught me taking a leak and nothing more exciting. It happened last night on another stargazing date. They were becoming a regular thing. Cat liked them, and I needed all the wishes I could get.

“I was really expecting you to say, like I use that anymore.” Dec’s blond eyebrow raised in my direction.

“I don’t kiss and tell.” I finished off my coffee, refilling the cup.

“No, but you fuck, and it makes national news.”

“People have sad lives, being so invested in mine.” I finished the second coffee in one gulp.

“Just be careful,” Ollie warned. “She’s still healing.”

“I’m aware.” Which was why we hadn’t actually done anything.

Looking around Dec, my face lit up, seeing the birthday girl wander down the hallway. “Happy birthday, my beautiful girl.” I swung her around, placing her on the island.

I leaned in close, loving how she looked in an I Heart Remington T-shirt and baggy bed shorts.

“Happy Birthday, Cat. We have a gift for you from the family, and we’ll give it to you as soon as those lazy bastards get out of bed. Jolie wrapped it and hid it. And I have no idea where it is.”

“Thanks, Ollie. I can’t wait, and I already love it.”

“You know what it is?” Surprise and disappointment coated his face more than any sweat from the sickly hot morning.

“Woody isn’t too great with secrets.”

“No.” Ollie took a drink, hiding his annoyance. “Damn kid.”

“Anyway, blown surprise or not, happy birthday, babe.” Dec leaned in, kissing her cheek.
