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With my hands on the roundness of her lush hips, I kissed her.

“You guys know I’m still here, right?”

Ignoring Dec, I asked Cat, “Where the fuck is Ollie? So, he can take him home.”

She laughed. “He was making a call to check on Penelope.”

“What, is that like something he does now?”

“He saw her yesterday, and she hadn’t been feeling well, so he wanted to make sure she was okay.”

It didn’t really surprise me. I’d seen his eyes light up over that girl before, but I assumed it was nothing, given how his whole life revolved around finding Loren.

I couldn’t imagine being interested in another girl. I hadn’t so much as given one a second glance since spotting Cat in my VIP section eleven years ago.

“That’s great. Yeah. I’ll stop by tomorrow. Thank you.” Ollie stepped through the trees, hung up his phone, and put it in his pocket.

“Ollie will drive you home, Dec. We’ll trade.”

“I’m glad you checked with him first.”

Ignoring Dec again, I placed another kiss on my girl.

“Great show, Remi!” Ollie interrupted our moment.

Cat’s hands were still on my face, feeling over my scar and making me self-conscious, when my eyes rolled.

“Thanks,” I said, just to be polite.

Leaves crunched under their shoes as Ollie led Dec in the direction of his car.

Dismissing how I felt about where her hands were, I brushed back her hair, kissing the crook of her neck and inhaling the fresh scent on her skin. “I’m so glad you came.”

“Yeah, I know. I can feel your excitement.” She laughed as I lifted her from the hood. “Don’t forget—”

“Yeah, I know. We’re keeping it PG-thirteen.”

“Like chick-flick innocent.”

“No, far more innocent.” I sat us back on the hood and leaned back against the windshield, keeping her in my lap. “Tonight, I just want to relax with my girl under the stars, have a few kisses, lots of cuddles.”

“Hard day, huh?” Small fingers broke through the knots in my shoulders.

“Hard few months, Dream, and a hard few months ahead, but once we’re through them, I have every intention of eliminating every apprehension you have.”

“And how are you gonna do that?”

“The same way I gave you them, but I hope I’ll have your consent this time.”

“So, I guess I’ll run through trees like this, and things will get naughty.” She slapped me in the face with more of my words.

“I’m sorry for playing that down. I was testing your memory.”

“I’ve forgiven you for worse.” She softened her words with a wink of those beautiful eyes, and her gentle hands guided my lips to hers.

My fingers trailed her legs, but I’d never take it further. Blue balls, I could handle. A broken heart was another story—one I never wanted to be written into again.

I let her break off the kiss, pulling away to catch her breath, and I relished the feel of her making herself comfortable against my chest.
