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My nerves were shot because, despite enjoying the show and having a great turnout, that was the first full show I’d done in eleven years, seeing as both shows in between, I had run out on.

“Why’d you park so damn far away, and why in the middle of a fucking forest?”

“It’s technically a road.”

“A road that hasn’t been used since the fucking Vikings.” He laughed at his own joke, nosing around at his surroundings.

Dark trees, evening’s shadows crawling around them.

“I didn’t want anyone noticing the new car.”

“I miss the pickup.”

“Me, too, but it was getting hard to go anywhere without paparazzi following.”

“Oh, to be a celebrity.”

“I think I’m gonna get a new one next week. I’ll see if Cat wants to come help pick one.”

“And the Cadillac?”

“I’ll probably keep it as a collector’s item. I like the color.”

“Who buys a car because they like the color? God. I wish I had your credit card number. More money than sense.”

“Just tell me what you want. Your birthday is only a few months away. I’ll get you whatever you want if you pick up a little speed.” I rushed on.

“Why do you wanna get home so bad?” He hurried to my side as we followed the curve along the old dirt road.

“I just wanna see...Cat.”

And there she was, sitting on my hood. Converse sneakers—the bootie kind—and tanned legs leading to a pink dress. The color matched the car and looked amazing on her. Red hair, slightly curled, wrapped around her, and she was smiling.

Almost falling over my feet, I quickly moved to get to her.

“What are you doing here?”

My gaze raked over her body, caressing every curve. My hands followed as I positioned myself between her feet and pulled her closer. “You look so beautiful. Like, so fucking beautiful.” Her pretty dress felt soft between my fingers as I told her, “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you. I watched the show from Ollie’s car.” Her face lit up with a pretty smile that rounded her cheeks. Her enhanced blush was pink like her dress.

I couldn’t get enough of her.

“I didn’t know you were coming,” I whispered, our faces close. “I didn’t see Ollie this morning before I left. I saw his car earlier, but I assumed he’d called Kate to make sure you didn’t get up to anything too wild.”

“Why would I want to stay with Kate when I could watch my favorite singer?”

The whole singing thing—our entire past—still brought her stress—it hinted on her face, but she was willing to work on it, on us.

I loved that.

“You wanna drive me home in your nice new car?”

“It’s kind of an old car.”

“Okay, so you wanna drive me home in your new old car?”

Leaning in a little closer, our bodies, hip to hip. “You wanna stay out for a little while and make out in the new old car?”
