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I barely glanced their way.

The giant screens—and Remi—loomed above. I had a better view here.

Remi looked so handsome up close. His throat worked as he took another drink. He returned to a stool he’d been sitting on for the last song, gripping the guitar he’d left leaning there. His pretty eyes scanned the crowd.

“It’s going pretty good so far, right?” he called out.

The crowd answered his question with a cheer.

“God. If he ends up with a god complex after this…” Ollie shook his head.

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” I’d keep him in check this time.

“I would just like to say thank you for coming out to see me and the band. It’s been a great show.” Remi’s voice was loud, echoing from speakers everywhere. “But I’ll be honest in saying the buildup let me down.”

The crowd silenced, curiosity on every face as cameras panned around.

“I’m not on social media, but shit gets around. People talk. People show me stuff. My brother, Dec,” Remi pointed back to Dec, who waved at the crowd. “He’s on everything. He runs a fan page in my honor and shows me a lot. And I’ve seen so many fucking things that people shouldn’t be saying.”

My heart froze, eyes on the screen. Ollie’s eyes were on me, watching each slow breath I took as Remi defended me on the stage.

“And I’ll say this now. I don’t want to see even one more derogatory comment about my wife. Anything regarding her eyes, or her lips, or her body, or the fact that she is still alive,” he bit out, crunching that last word. “She’s been through a lot, way more than most. She deserves better. You’re supposed to be my fans. That’s my person, you guys. My favorite person in the whole fucking world, and the slander she’s getting isn’t fucking cool.”

A tear fell, running coldly down my cheek, and without pulling my eyes from the screen, I asked Ollie, “Has my makeup run?”

“No. You look great, hun.”

Nodding and trying to believe that, I gave all my attention to Remi.

“If I see anything else, I’ll see it as a personal attack. Harassment. And legal charges will be brought. Just know, I can pay for good lawyers, and I will, and that’s only because murder is fucking frowned upon.”

Ollie laughed, and I laughed, too.

“It doesn’t stop him, usually.”

“No. He only kills the bad guys.” I smiled.

“Your wife is beautiful!” A loud voice came from somewhere, and it wasn’t Dec trying to agitate Remi. I looked into the crowd, appreciating the boost, but I had no idea who commented.

I pulled Remi’s sweatshirt over my head, wanting to be the confident girl he once knew. “I wanna look confident when he sees me. Can I put this in the back?”

Ollie nodded, saying something I didn’t hear because I was, again, focused on Remi.

“She is. She’s gorgeous, right to the soul.” Everyone heard Remi’s reply, loud from his microphone.

His smile faded from the screen as a picture from our wedding replaced it. “See, so fucking beautiful. Now, let’s leave all the hate in the past. Be kind and all that shit, huh? And let’s get the rest of this show over so I can go home to her.”

Remi didn’t appear back on the screen, and even as I heard his voice, I still missed him.

Chapter 80


My nerves were shot.

And not because of the creepy fucking noises Dec made as we walked through the trees.

He was trying to scare me, and I was fighting the urge to snap off a tree branch and beat him with it.
