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“We need a doctor! We think Mrs. Cole has suffered multiple heart attacks. Is Rodregez in?” Dec rushed in, words blazing.

A young nurse replied, “No, he’s still away on a family emergency. I’ll page some of the other doctors to meet you at the emergency department.”

“Already done,” was all I heard from the receptionist.

I rounded the corner, tucking Cat into me. “It’ll be okay. They’re gonna fix you.” I kissed her forehead, her cold sweat glossing my lips.

The echo of Dec’s feet pelting the linoleum multiplied, and I turned my head to see long white coats and a pointing finger overtaking him.

Following the doctor’s guidance, I stepped into a sterile-looking room, placing Cat on white bedsheets.

Three doctors made it in before Dec, who pulled me back a step for the two men and one woman to gather around the bed and get to work.

One listened for a heartbeat, his face straining with concern as the stethoscope moved around her chest.

I shook violently under Dec’s touch as it rested on my shoulder, suffering the worst withdrawal.


Cat was always my greatest addiction.

I couldn’t live without her.

“Is she breathing?”

He took a second too long to answer me.

“Is she fucking breathing?”

“There’s a heartbeat, but it’s very shallow.”

Another doctor provided oxygen.

I took a breath, relishing the fact that there was a chance she’d be okay.

All the doctors’ hands moved in a blur in front of me, each assisting the other to give her the best care. At least, that was what I told myself. I blinked slowly, hearing a sound behind me. Twisting, I saw Dec’s mouth moving. I watched the words come out.

“Are you optimistic that she’ll be okay?”

I spun back to the doctors, hope knocking the worry from my face. Cat was wired up to some machines. Her heart rate, slow on the screen, taunting me with delayed beeps.

“We don’t want to answer at this point and give any false hope.” The woman had her eyes on me, saying things her mouth wouldn’t.

She wasn’t optimistic.

“She’s a fighter,” I told her and the others, refusing to believe otherwise as I eyed the oxygen mask on her face that helped her breathe.

“I surely hope so,” another added. “It could be a tough couple of hours. We’ll need to run some tests before giving you more accurate answers and to do that, we’ll need some privacy.”


Each doctor straightened, three wrinkleless faces bouncing to each other. Their minimal experiences didn’t stretch as far as possessive husbands who refused separation. They were young, recent grads, by the looks of things.

“Remi, come on. The docs need to be able to concentrate. We can wait right outside. There’s a room next door.” Dec’s fingers wrapped around my twitching bicep. “No one will be down this way. Just you and me.”

I shrugged him off. “I’m not leaving her in a room with strangers who she doesn’t fucking know. She won’t like that.”

“They’re doctors, man. She’ll understand. They aren’t going to hurt her. They just want to help her.”
