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“We don’t even know their fucking names, Dec.”

These three were new and were brought in within the last week when I was too busy to overview them.

“Dr. Avalondale.” Dec pointed toward one doctor.

“I can assure you, Mr. Cole, I have her best interests in mind, as does Doctor Huntington and Doctor Parker,” Avalondale added, introducing me to the others.

“Come on, Remi. We’ll wait right outside.” I was stiff when Dec attempted to guide me.

“Is Rodregez not reachable?” I’d rather Rodregez and the approaching wrinkles brought on by years of stress in this industry.

“We’ll try to reach him if it soothes you.” Parker smiled a gentle smile—the kind of smile you give someone before telling them there was nothing you could do to save their person, their life, their whole world.

I looked away from it. “Call him.”

He may have nodded, but my eyes stayed on Cat.

Doctor Huntington’s small hand landed on my shoulder. “Please trust us, Mr. Cole. We are trained to care for people following this kind of trauma. But it’s important to act quickly. We need you to leave.”

Stepping away from her touch, I moved to Cat, bending to her side, my knees clicking as I did.

“Don’t leave me. I’ll never be able to live without you now.”

Frozen for a second, I took one last look at her. The strain on her face mirrored her broken heart.

I followed Dec to the exit, and for once, I appreciated his bond with my girl as he whispered, “We’re rooting for you, babe.”

Chapter 69


The room where we’d waited for hours had uncomfortable chairs. Jolie, Woodrow, and Dec all shifted anxiously on them. Ollie stood at the wall, eyes on me as I paced to and from him.

My family was already here when Dec and I stepped in. They were waiting for us. Their sad faces angled to the door before the handle even pulled down.

I stared around Ollie, to the depressive shade of blue I needed to rid from the walls.

“It’s been fucking ages. I can’t wait in the fucking dark any longer.”

“Remi, give them a little more time.”

Ollie’s suggestion fell on deaf ears. Literally and figuratively. I’d had enough. I needed to know if Cat was still breathing.

Staying out of that room had been torture. The door opened and closed multiple times. Each time, Woodrow said, “Someone is leaving next door.” But no one had come in here to update us on how she was doing as we all waited with bated breath.

As if by magic, the door swung open, and Feebee wheeled in.

“I thought Novaletti was off tonight?” I knew Novaletti was off tonight because, after an hour of Ollie trying to call Rodregez with no answer, I’d resorted to hunting down other medical team members. Rodregez liked Novaletti, which was a good enough reason for him to be his backup. I’d pick him over the kids currently working on Cat.

“Mercer will be in soon. Are you holding up okay?”

“He’s on his fifteenth coffee.” Dec eyed the machine in desperate need of filling, and my half-empty cup, going cold on the side.

“It’s my twelfth, actually.”

Feebee just nodded, letting a moment pass before she explained, “You might want to sit down, Mr. Cole.”

My eyes met Ollie’s, the pink glare from the window trying to blind us both as the sun rose into the sky.
