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She fled, returning moments later with her fingers wrapped around the wooden handle.

“You know where it goes.” He smiled.

I wished she had the confidence to whack him on the head.

Fuck, I would have if he ever trusted me to hold that or any other weapon.

Apparently, I wasn’t as easily trained.

Darla was already out of her cage and holding my hands above my head for him, her stare vacant and ahead, avoiding me. She’d shut down. She’d been doing it often lately. I reserved that for sexual violence.

The other girl, one Rothbart had named Angelica, positioned herself between my legs. The splintered edge of the broom loomed closer to my vagina.

Tears fell as she whimpered behind him.

His smile grew, loving how well he could control her—a terrified teenage girl who shouldn’t be here. She should be in school, getting an education, and looking forward to prom.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

She shouldn’t have said that. She shouldn’t have said anything.

Rothbart twisted, backhanding her face. “Shove it inside her now, or it’ll be going so far in your—”

My scream cut him off as Angelica pushed the wood inside me, preventing her from hearing the next awful word. The ancient wood, rotting, terrorized all my scars.

I held back the tears filling my eyes as Rothbart pulled a jagged blade from his belt.

My song continued, and my eyes closed, trying to find serenity.

I opened them to the worst moment, to the worst image—his creepy, distorted grin beaming down on me—on my right breast.

“I always hated these big ugly tits. I told you that, didn’t I?” Again, he didn’t wait for an answer. “Let’s see if you look better with them smaller.”

My head shook from side to side. The rise and fall of my chest, gifted by my terror, made it harder for him to push the knife inside me.

The brutal blade and its jagged edge sawed through my flesh.

“I’ll just do the one so we can compare.”

His awful, evil face blurred in my vision, but I didn’t slip away. I felt everything. Flesh and muscle burning, blood running from my body.

I felt it all.

All the fucking pain in the world.

And I prayed for blackness to come and swallow me up.

Chapter 68


The doors crashed into the walls and dented them, interrupting the serene energy that always lingered throughout the ground floor of Beyond Heaven.

Nurses froze, clipboards in hand. Receptionists peeked over the rounded desk, ignoring the patients chit-chatting with them on the other side.

“What happened to the show?” one nurse asked, a little preppy thing with a smile that quickly faded as he saw Cat in my arms.

“I need some help!” I refused to stop moving, carrying Cat in the direction of the emergency department, which was only used whenever one of the newbies felt weighed down by life and tried to end it.
