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Rothbart just stared at me, his eyes glassy.

I kicked the poker hanging limply in his cock when he didn’t answer.

Another scream.

Another rare occasion where I was grateful for shitty fucking ears. I pitied that Cat had to listen to him with fully functioning senses.

“It shouldn’t be too hard to guess.” I didn’t wait for him to guess, piercing his lower abdomen and dragging the thick poker through the layers of him before it speared right through to the floor, creating a horizontal gash across his abdomen. “I bet you can guess now.”

Cat could, holding me tighter with one hand, the other moving to the scar on her lower stomach. A cold tear hit my neck, and I didn’t fight the urge to press my lips against her this time, brushing away her hair for the second time.

I squeezed her a little tighter, and her body molded to mine, the hold, full of protection and no pain, because I was aware of how fragile she was right now, and it terrified me.

“You good?” I asked, picking up the second-to-last poker.

She nodded, her hair tickling my neck.

“Good. Almost done here.”

I didn’t even wait for him to say a word, scraping the sharp edge of the poker across his ribs and sternum. I didn’t wait before ramming it into his thick thigh, every solid muscle protesting and protecting essential arteries—damn bastard things.

At this point, his screaming was white noise beyond the ringing in my ears.

I clutched the final poker in a tight grip—a death grip—because this would be the one to end his life.

“In case you weren’t sure, I’ve placed one of these things in each place that I’ve seen scars on her body. Karma’s a real cunt.”

The screaming stopped. He laughed, gazing up at me with a bloody smile covering his mismatched teeth. “Thought he was a friend of yours.”

I shrugged, not surprised that this thing knew that I had a friend who went by that name because he’d been doing his digging on me for quite some time.

“I do have a friend called Karma. He’s off killing other lowlife bastards that don’t deserve to breathe.”

Rothbart spat blood, and it splattered his face as he laughed again. “Says another rapist.”

“There’s one clear difference between me and you.”

“What’s that?” he wondered, consciousness slipping away.

“I feel guilty for what I did. It ate away a part of me every time I saw her smile.” Cat’s grip tightened on me. “It brought me to my knees seeing her cry when she remembered it happening. She deserved better.”

He smiled, knowing I’d never step back and watch her go and find better.

Before he could tell her that, I placed the final poker against his mouth. “The most damage you did to her was convincing her she was fucking ugly. How someone like you, who pays to look like a fucking clown with his fake teeth and overfilled skin, gets to do that, I don’t know.” I laughed, too. “You’re a fucking idiot. An ugly fucking idiot, right down to your soul.”

I rammed the last poker through the back of his mouth to his tiny brain and through the floorboards, like all the others.

Strength was leaving my body, all of this abuse taxing me.

“My one isn’t all the way through,” Cat murmured.

“Not a problem.” I moved to the one in his shriveled-up dick and rammed it through to the wood.

I collapsed to my knees, both of them crunching as they hit the ground. I pulled her in, fingers weaving through her hair as I held her close and sided against one of the bedposts.

“Dec?” she whispered.

“Please, don’t ask for another man while in my arms.” My heart was fucking aching enough over the thought of her never wanting to see me again after tonight.
