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I kicked the gun away. “Then, I don’t need that, baby. Too quick.”

Her hair fell into her face as she nodded, understanding that he needed to fucking suffer.

“Am I allowed near you?” I needed to know. I needed her permission.

She nodded, then her eyes flicked to the fire, a choice of six pokers ready to be chosen as a weapon.

“Well, what a good idea.” I hurried towards her, bending to one knee as she handed me her preference.

Cupping her neck, I tilted her face. Her fingers landed on my cheek, feeling over the scar she gave me. A tear fell as her eyes blinked, capturing the moment.

I’d never seen a woman look so heartbroken.

“You sure you’re okay?” I stupidly asked, teeth digging into my lip as I waited with bated breath for another lie between us.

But she didn’t lie. She wasn’t me.

“I’m still breathing.”

I nodded, grateful as fuck for that. “Keep breathing.”

Brushing the hair from her face because it didn’t move when she tried blowing it from her eyes, I didn’t miss the vengeance in her eyes, still open, as I reeled back from placing a kiss on her lips.

“No promises.” Those toxic words held a double meaning.

She used her little strength to push me up as Rothbart neared, charging toward us from one side of the room. “Remi!”

Swinging the poker, I caught him through his open mouth, the hot metal ripping through his skin, creating a scar that mirrored mine.

The shock not silencing him, he screamed, fingering the injury. The dirt on his hands, hopefully, implanting the first stage of an infection.

Shock silenced me as Cat dragged herself across the floor, another poker in hand that she jabbed into his cock. Blood covered his pants, leaking from the injuries we’d both caused.

His scream was louder this time, that ugly flap of skin dangling as the noise reverberated in the room.

A giant fist cast a shadow over Cat’s face. The knuckles racing toward her temple would send her to the ground.

I rammed my poker straight through his right pectoral muscle, stepping over Cat and forcing my whole weight against the injury and forcing him away from her.

He fell to the floor. A heavy thud welcomed him. The poker pierced through him and the wooden flooring, pinning him there.

Screaming like a maniac, he thrashed and kicked. His already injured arm wasn’t quick enough to reach for me, and his heavy feet never kicked Cat as I scooped her from the ground, and she wrapped around me like a koala bear. I loved it, holding her tighter.

“Nice try. But you won’t be touching my girl again.” Walking her to the fire, I lowered us to the pokers, asking, “Which one for his other pec, baby?”

I wouldn’t taint her regular pet-name here at a murder scene. Baby, would have to do.

She pulled another poker, this one black with a curved hook.

“Good choice.” I smiled, my eyes on her open mouth, fighting the need to kiss her.

I held her close with one arm, enjoying the feel of her as she pushed her head into the crook of my neck, minimizing Rothbart’s fucking howling in her ears as the poker in my other hand forced its way through flesh and muscle and flooring.

Three down, three to go. “Which do you want for his stomach?” I asked her. She no longer cared, holding onto me, without giving an answer.

“I like this one.” I separated the thickest from the other two, leaving them at the nearest wall.

“Do you know where this one is going?”
