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“No.” She nodded her head, her heavy hands still clutching me. “Dec.”

I spun to find my brother in the doorway.

“His blood is literally dripping through the ceiling.” His head nodded to Rothbart.


Dec rushed over, giving me a hand to get up from the floor. Letting go of him, I twisted the poker in Rothbart’s chest, making sure that curved hook punctured his heart.

And then my slow feet followed my brother from the room.

Chapter 66


“Cat, you okay?” Dec’s eyes were on us through the rear-view mirror.

I sat in the backseat with her in my lap as the distance between us and the dump where Rothbart lay bleeding out grew bigger, thanks to the bumpy ride.

“We just need to get her checked over by a doctor.” My fingers spread on her terrifyingly cold body.

“She’s almost breathless.”

Dec’s worry stared back at me before my eyes dropped to Cat. As if pressured by the weight of my stare, her arm slipped from my chest to my injured crotch as she huddled into me. Her body had turned cold as soon as we got outside. My mind attempted pacifying me with lies saying, it was nothing more than the night air that caused her to tremble in my arms.

A painfully slow breath clawed its way out of her mouth.

“Tell me you’re okay?” Because I wouldn’t fucking cope if she wasn’t.

I pulled her a little closer. I intended my body heat to keep her warm, but the blood inside me spiked, feeling icy in my veins. My hackles stood on edge, realizing she was heavy and almost limp in my arms.

“I don’t feel well. My heart feels funny, and I feel...” Her words trailed off.

“She’s cold.” I rubbed every part of her, trying to heat her up. “Turn up the heat.”

“This doesn’t sound good.”

“It’s cold out,” I tried to convince Dec and myself.

But it wasn’t cold out.

“You’re okay, right?”

She didn’t respond to me.

“Her body is circulating blood to vital organs, compensating for her heart not being able to pump enough blood to the entire body,” Dec told me, like he was some kind of doctor. “It happened to my grandmother.”

“What does that mean?”

He didn’t say a word. But that told me everything.

My head reeled back due to Dec flattening his foot on the gas.

Her fingers twitched in my lap, almost like she struggled to move them. Taking her hand in mine, her fingers cold yet sweaty against my skin, I kissed her knuckles and blew hot breaths against them. And then I swallowed down my fear that she wouldn’t be here this time tomorrow. That feeling could wither in my stomach acid.

Her body stiffened in my arms, her face contorting in pain.

“Almost there, my girl.”
