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If only he realized he was ugly to the fucking core.

With his hands now out my way, I placed my foot on his crotch, forcing down my weight until I felt the other explode, too.

He screamed, sounding so much smaller and weaker than he looked. I guess that was because he no longer had balls.

Blood dripped down his chin, dirtying the ugly shirt he wore as he forced himself to his feet, trying and failing to ignore the swelling appearing at his crotch.

A stupid move. A shot to the kneecap brought him back down, the whole floor rattling under his weight. I aimed for his cock and pulled the trigger again.


Out of fucking bullets.

“Ah, fuck, Ollie.”

I tossed the gun to the side, and it bounced off the wall, leaving a dent in the plaster.

Grabbing me by the balls, literally, he dragged me to the ground.

"Let’s see how you handle the fucking pain in this area!”

His heavy weight moved on top of me. His knee traded places with his hand, causing one piercing in my cock to rip into another. I gritted my teeth, not vocalizing any discomfort. His fists landed against both ears.

The blood from his face splattered mine. Blood from the bullet wound in his arm—which was hardly fucking bothering him—joined it.

“Alerion told me you’re used to having men on you. It’s how you got to the top. Not everyone is a fan of ass stuff. Your wife certainly isn’t. Tell me, was it good for you?”

I twisted my head, letting all the hateful words enter my ringing ear.

“Obviously, it was. He told me how you let him do anything to you with a few bribes.”

A memory entered my head.

Alerion, in my shitty rundown childhood home, followed my voice as I sang to the song playing on the radio. He rounded the corner to my room, and my gun landed on him. Seeing the cold look in the eyes of a kid who cared about nothing, he begged for his worthless fucking life. Promises about how I could have the world at my feet fell off his tongue. And I lowered the gun.

Fucking idiot. Why did I do that?

Why didn’t I just shoot the cunt then and there?

Another fist caught my ear.

Cat’s legs opened in my view, a shaking hand slowly pulling out the multi-barreled pistol from inside her.

I blinked, horrified by what I was seeing.

I should have blown Rothbart’s head off upon entering, too. What if he’d pulled that fucking trigger?

Rothbart twisted to what was likely the sound of his gun pirouetting across the floor.

Her desperate eyes were on me, perfect teeth pressing into the fullness of her bottom lip as Rothbart reached for it.

“No!” she screamed, still caring about what happened to me and giving me the motivation to wedge my knee between me and his bulk. His body fell back as my knee jammed into his ruined crotch. A scream rattled the room, but I didn’t focus on it.

I rushed to my feet and glanced over to Cat, pleased to see her look relieved.

I caught my breath while Rothbart was still on the floor. “How you doing?”

“I won’t give him the satisfaction of dying here.” She moved her lips slowly for me because I had no way of hearing her with the noises he made.
