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“Fine. I’ll go first. I picked up one of those.” That chunky finger—which had violated too many parts of my girl—moved towards a collection of fire pokers. “She tried to escape the first day she got here. I couldn’t have that. I heated it in the fire, and I fucked her with it.”

Vivid images filled my mind.

Cat’s beautiful hair ripped from the roots as she was dragged through the house, her spine catching on each step as Rothbart pulled her up the stairs.

Candee clapped her brittle fingers together and bounced on the spot with excitement. She skipped up the stairs behind Rothbart, stepping into their bedroom in time to see him toss Cat to the rug that left burns on her thighs as she was yanked back while trying to scamper away from him and the maniac who thought it was fun to watch.

Her chest rose and fell as he loomed over her. Tiny hands came up and tried to push him away.

“Hold her down.”

Candee skipped in and straddled her. Cat struggled to nudge her off, wanting nothing to do with the woman just as much as the man.

Cat’s head lolled to the side, taking in the image of Rothbart as he moved to the fire, a pointed poker in hand. Her mouth hung wide, her head rapidly shaking from side to side.

“Please don’t. Please…”

Rothbart moved between her legs, ripping them apart. Candee kept her pinned as the brutally hot poker plunged inside her. Twisting it as he fucked her, he made sure the hook snagged on every inch of skin.

My knees went weak again, and I felt sick. I forced my mouth to stay closed, not wanting this prick to have the upper hand while I was bent over myself, retching on his floor.

“You’re picturing it, aren’t you? You can’t imagine how bad it was. You can’t imagine what it was like for ten minutes straight as I reheated that poker and kept shoving it into her cunt.”

Cat flinched, well aware of the memories.

“You survived it.” I choked out, still struggling with the images in my head, and now, the look on her face.

Rothbart’s words pulled me back to him. “You can’t imagine how sore she was when I forced my cock in there to stop her walls molding together. How vulnerable and weak she felt as I screamed at her to take it and slapped her until she bruised every time she tried to fight back. How weak she felt as I came in her bleeding slit while Candee rode her face to block out the irritating fucking sound of her screaming. Of how her only comfort was a teddy bear that I’d found in my kids’ truck, inside the sweatshirt they’d stripped her of. That, and your song. She sang it all night as she played with the ears of that dirty fucking panda, all while huddled in the corner. Right there.” His finger moved again. “I hate your fucking songs, Remington. So, I beat her for that, too, and repeated the day, long into the night, until she passed out from exhaustion.”

Close to vomiting, I swallowed each painful word. I wanted to blow his tiny brain across the walls and paint them red, but I could barely move. It was like I watched myself from the shadows of this room in some fucked out-of-body experience. I hated it.

“I’d have fucked her to death, but she was worth much more alive. After that, I hung her from a beam in my shed by her wrists, covered her legs in raw meat, and let my starving dogs gnaw at her for hours. They ripped that panda apart, too. Somehow, that upset her just as much as them ripping into her skin. I wasn’t too horrible, though. I got her down before she died from blood loss, and I dragged her through the dirt and let her sweat out any infection for a day or so before treating it so that she’d live to suffer another day. And she did suffer another day, because as soon as she was back on her feet, defying me with sneers and hate, I punished her again. I had the boys hold her down while I cut off one of her pussy lips with scissors. And then, I cauterized it with another hot poker. I didn’t start on her ugly tits for three years. Should have done them sooner, always fucking hated them.”

Cat’s lip trembled, his words hurting her the most.

My angry squinted glare met his excited one.

“So, tell me, Remington, is that how you pictured it?” Bright white teeth flashed at me. “Now, you go. What did you do to my wife?”

With no mercy, I freed the words on my tongue. “I aimed my gun between her legs and shot her there, and I’d have ripped her to fucking shreds if I’d known all that. She got off too fucking easy.”

Without thinking about it for a second, that would have had me second-guessing myself. I pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew through the air quietly, thanks to Ollie’s silencer, and implanted in the same vein I favored injecting in my youth.

Caught by surprise, he glared at me, wasting precious seconds before switching his hands between Cat’s legs.

Seconds, where my boots made enough noise that he hadn’t heard her whimper as she picked up a hot coal on the edge of the fire and whacked it straight into his face as he turned.

Two of those veneers came flying off, cracking under my boot as he fell backward into my path.

Dragging him away from Cat so she could catch her breath, I dumped him on the rug that he’d tortured her on. Old bloodstains stared up at me, reminding me how badly I’d fucking failed her the first time around.

Never a-fucking-gain.

My foot hammered into his crotch, kicking until I felt one of his balls explode. His back arched, and he cupped the area before his head dropped to the side and he vomited.

I moved with him and my foot ached with how hard I kicked him in the jaw.

Another fake tooth cracked as he bit his tongue, blood pouring everywhere. His hands rushed to his mouth as the vain bastard fretted about another damaged tooth.
